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Everything posted by Ness

  1. lmao It's still funny.
  2. It's how the cool kids talk, give it a go sometime :P

  3. Thank you.
  4. Might be because I didn't actually complain in game. (not one for complaining, admins have enough to do) Thought it would be easier to post it in the forums. I put up with about 4 guys today within the server, one as bad as the next, Canadian was just the last one, and the one that happened to get to me. Charron was in server when it happened, also Mardsen, Collins and Kane were in to witness the other guy that has around 5 different accounts < No use even trying to ban this guy, he will just come back with one of his other accounts telling me I have a mustache and that he only dislikes me because I was born with a vagina. Tonight was just one of those nights
  5. Name: Canadian Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:14288963 28:58 132 0 active Reasons for the Ban: Racism, general annoyance. Recomended duration of ban: I don''t know what to recommend, it is your server. Whatever you see as fair. Demo Provided?: No but You can have this: I couldn't be bothers sifting through any more in my console. See below. Canadian: she my bitch nigga Canadian: UR FAT AND TIRED O GOD SHES A WHALE MAN THE HARPOONS Canadian: NESS IS A WHALE MAN THE FUCKING HARPOONS Canadian: NESS IS A WHALE MAN THE FUCKING HARPOONS Canadian: ok i love u ness marry me and we will move to mexico Canadian: GTFO OUT OF MY DOD Canadian: NESS IMA RAPE U WITH A RAKE Canadian: hey ness could u like ummmmmmm sit on my face Canadian: NESS SIT ON MY FAC Canadian: NESS I SAID GET IN THE KITCHEN
  7. Profile even....

  8. Nice blank pforile :P

  9. A pubber was inquiring if you guys had any links on the site to download maps you have within your rotation. When a few 1st said no I offer to make you a map pack, and asked if anybody could send me the sever rotation. - So much chatter in server I was lost within the spam and decided to just ask on the forums Would you like me to make a map pack for 1st that people can download to make sure they have all your maps? Would also be good for recruits. I could make one for the public server and also one for the other (not sure what it is called sorry) Where you guys do your realism and training. Let me know if you want me to
  10. Facebook, efukt, bog.org, utube and game.
  11. Video didn't effect me in a bad context. I think it is amazing what the human body can go through sometimes, his face was almost clean in half and he lives? wow.... Not to mention the blood loss and some dude trying to squishy our face back together again repetitively. Might try google some pics of how the poor guy healed up. (nope didn't find anything). I've always been one of those stupid kids/adults that will try new things, just for the sake of doing so. I egged on my younger brothers numerous times as a youngan, roped them into my shenanigans. Plenty of hospital trips and scars as proof for the whole family . Sometimes you just have to make the decision of if you mess up what you're about to do, how messed up will you be
  12. <3 anytime.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! Love you even tho you're' an old man today (25) Bailey and I will try make this day as special as possible for you in any way possible <3<3<3<3<3<3 xoxoxoxox
  14. naww, thank you Parker <3 I will let him know
  15. Mario cannot get onto the forums, having a few problems. He contacted O'Pray about the issue and Rhys forwarded him to me seems I am home. - So if I may, I am posting this for him. Name: Mario Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:3982131 00:27 127 0 active Date & Time of ban: 25th August 2010 - Around 2 am. Admin who banned you: Automated tk kick and ban. Excuse for the Unban: He didn't mean to tk so many times. He just isn't the best player. O'Pray was playing with him previous and I we can both account for his presence within the server (I was watching him play), he was pleasant, amusing and well.... just is not the best player to put it bluntly. I will get O'Pray to make a post further on the matter when he is home if needed, and try and resolve the issue with Mario and the forums. (I have a feeling he isn't tech savvy) I had to go in game and get his I.D for him. Thank you for your time Mr Admins
  16. ^.^
  17. I've listened to this 20 times easily since you sent it to me, it is FANTASTIC!
  18. lmao. maybe we could try come visit sometime.
  19. rofl I have Epilepsy Law is the law and unfortunately it looks like your law enforcement system takes things a little to seriously. Raids for pot here are pretty tamely done, they understand that you could be doing worse and are a little nice about the way they go about busting you. No shooting Animals. That's just disgusting.
  20. Name: aP // proffrink Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:14472194 00:25 397 3 active Reasons for the Ban: Mic spamming sound bites of that guy yelling at his cats constantly, wouldn't stop when asked nicely. Entire server had to mute him. Recommended duration of ban: Whatever you see just? Demo Provided?: No. kershen, Baker and Lang can witness.
  21. Googled ''harden the fuck up'' and somehow got the above, made me laugh pretty hard.
  22. I am a good cook
  23. Ness


  24. lol they're Plovers. They make nests on ovals and other grassy areas and attack hardcore if anybody wants to use the area. We had a infestation at my primary school, Victoria is known for them
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