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Everything posted by Ness
I am sure I could manage to make Diabetic friendly brownies I would cook you guys whatever you wanted, if you came to visit
This is my personal thank you to 1st, BAR and server regulars. Thank you for your kind attitudes, amusing game time and most of all, for your respect. Each and every member corresponds with the next in such a great way, all contributing to the big ball of Awesome that is game time within 1st server. What is great is that it doesn't end there, it spills out onto the forums and into steam chat windows, vent and I am sure many other ways of communication amongst you all. - Like a happy infection of correct moral standards and emotional awareness Thank you to those that have been there to chat, to make me smile and to make me laugh so damn hard. - To the BAR and 1st admins for putting in the hours and dealing with the extra hassle that comes with having not just another girl on the server, but a foreigner. - To the pubbers for being so dedicated and to those that have retired but still come to play [endcheesylove] !! <3 !! [/endchessylove] Ness. xx.
lol dw I am the same, I get them as much as I can, covered myself in like 2 years
Whenever Bailey is quiet it is always bad. I caught her her under the dinning table once with one stuffed into her mouth, legs hanging out, crunching, goop dribbling out. - Almost heaved when I got her to spit it into my hand and it was all warm. Huntsmans are harmless. They chill in the house till we get sick of them and then we put them outside, same as these fellas. They are called ''Daddy long legs'' - Pretty harmless, their mouths are to small for noming anything but your eyelid skin. I heard that the Average Aussie swallows at least 4 spiders in their lifetime sleeping.
An office receptionist got the shock of her life earlier this week when she found a 70cm long snake entangled in the web of a deadly spider..... Tania Robertson, a receptionist at an electrical firm, came in to work on Tuesday and spotted the sight next to a desk in her office. The snake, which had obviously died from the spider's poisonous bite, was off the ground and caught up in the web. Leon Lotz of the arachnology department at the National Museum said it was only the second time that he had heard of a snake getting caught in a spider's web, It is believed the snake got caught in the web on Monday night. But it did not take the spider long to bite it. A red mark on the snake's stomach was evidence of where the spider had started eating it. Through out Tuesday, the spider checked on her prey, but on Wednesday she rolled it up and started spinning a web around it. She also kept lifting it higher off the ground, while continually snacking on it. Come to Australia , where our spiders eat our snakes ! http://img535.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=image005fu.jpg < piccies.
I love Apathy, Hilltop hoods are dope, Bliss and eso rock tight shit, Demi gods are fucking amazing. There are what I have been listening to lately: - Josh martinez. - Classified. - Aesop rock. - Sweatshop union.
Clark you heap of manly meat, you fkn stud you. Better?
Here is some Aus music you guys may appreciate. Hilltop hoods: - Bliss n Eso:-
Anytime Farr Ask my darling fiance if he will tell people what sort of girl I am. - Weird...... just weird? <<< Thanks I guess?
I truthfully don't know what I am. I'll leave O'Pray to that description?
mmm this guy was intolerable even before the comment blurted out before he left at end of map.
lmao our door knobs or in our case levers are pretty high up.
Good tattoos are not cheap and cheap tattoos are not good I am joking. It is great for $40.00.
wow..... Vogt goes on some badly written spiel about how he judges others looks because of a ''professional stance''. - I tend to judge by the way they are toward others.... You went down 2 notches with that post alone. ''I think you might grow out of it sooner or later, it just takes life and realizing it's hard to just live on minimum-wage to smack you in the face to realize something needs to change.'' - Biggest crock of shit I have read for a while truthfully. - The fact that you immediately think that people with modifications would need to change is amazing to me. - Egotistical and judgmental. *shakes head* Censorship is the highest form of arrogance and the lowest form of humanity in my opinion. What is socially acceptable is only what is socially common. I am sorry if my social circles acceptances don't live up to yours. I am also sorry that you feel the need to judge others by their looks and not their personality, education, experiences or moral standing and fiber in life. Assumptions upon character bought on only by face value are ridiculous. - You need to come on down off that high horse and walk down here with the rest of us Sir, where we judge people because of who they are, not the colour of their hair or markings on their skin.
I love Primus, always will.
I wouldn't care, Better than what I am being roped into.... I wanted boobies, alcohol and loose morals.- But no.... - I got a pole dancing lesson with a bunch of fkn women I don't know TAKE ME ALONG TO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! In all seriousness, Aus women can be pretty messed up. - Either like men or bimbos that act like they are entitled to the world. Or the plain ol crazies < gotta love the crazies.
No to Kangaroos but I would take you to a zoo or animal park so you could see some As for Single hot family members: I have 2 single cousins 28 (has one kid) and 31 (has 2). Lets just say they are: Used, Need a lot of alcohol to perform and are generally obnoxious? - They are ok looking tho Sister is only 14. - Nasty little thing to. I don't have any friends that are women sorry. My Mum likes younger boys tho
No I am not talking about lvling in wow, I am here to discuss wedding bells We have had a few members jokingly ask where their invite is to our wedding in November. This is my open invite to any 1st that have a financial situation that supports them paying out grands to come to a unconventional wedding and drink a few drinks with us We loves you alllllllll <333333333333333
Helloooooo to all my fellow social net workers, by this I mean: Those that also enjoy trolling facebook for fine pics of ass and spamming others with stupid posts/links/picture comments. I am making this thread encase anybody wishes to get some social networking done off the forums I don't have many people on my list. - A lot of Rhys's family and my family - Few random gamers. (yes I am looking at you G Money).- I gathered that by now they are sick of my random status updates and borderline psychotic comments. I shall share my crazy Facebook with you all <3 http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/vanessaann.twigg < IT IS I!
Not sure what is more amusing, the lizard king or the 1800 number behind it
We don't fluch toilets here sir, we flush
Sure you don't 2pac, I've seen those pics