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Everything posted by Ness

  1. Ness

    Aus vid.

    ah, as I said in steam - I don't know if they actually make standard sized/gauged rings. Mine is just a bullring with the ball taken out and squished together with pliers, same as my nose and lip My cheek bars are eyebrow bars and some of my ''other piercings'' aren't standard bard for that piercing either. Mix 'n' match I say! You know you want to
  2. Here you go Ford, My new work
  3. *walks into traffic*
  4. Ness

    Aus vid.

    Who may that be?
  5. Ness

    Aus vid.

    Better than TOE-MAE-TOE Tilt your heads, I don't know how to edit vids.
  6. Ness

    Aus vid.

    ok guys/gal. I finally got around to making a vid for you. I know it is terrible but it will have to do, I'll make a better one when I have more time. <3
  7. Dammit, I wanted some fighting or something.
  8. I don't think I am meant to post within these but: .... When that piano is moved it obstructs entry/exit into an entire division of the map, it basically make the two Orange building unusable. Both the Axis and Allied are put out when this is done, they knew they were being obnoxious. Dealing with players like this in game should alone constitute some form of punishment, and a medal for the admins that deal with them when the rules do not support a ban. Him and his accomplice were both warned a number of times and also asked politely not to move the piano. - Is there a rule against ignoring an admin? < To me this is disrespect. < Bannable offense
  9. \m/ Can we make it a low 5? I am to short to get on up there to epic it.
  10. ahahaha ^^ Gold.
  11. lmfao. I am glad I am not the only one that sees faces in everything
  12. I have countless tattoos: Socks, chest piece, left half sleeve, a lot of my left thigh, part of my right forearm. And around 15 piercings. I'm not Goth, Scene, Punk, Emo, Rokker chik or any ''stereotype'' of anybody with body mods. I just like to be shiny and inked (Pic's cute Lawrence).
  13. lmao he did make them, I lold the entire time I watched him.
  14. ahahahhaah wow....
  15. That isn't even close to dyslexia, I am dyslexic and can still manage to string a semi audible sentence together. That my friend is terrible. Both my brothers has literacy problems and I cant stand looking at their status's sometimes.
  16. Ness

    Quote Thread

    Ness.: I dont even know how to vote. I draw large veiny penis's on my forms and thats about it. Ness.: I take my time so they think im actually thinking hard about my vote *snickers* Slightly Bent penis:<(FORD) lol you are my hero
  17. I advise not watching, it stings if it gets into your eye..... I do Ford but sometimes it's nice to mix things up a bit I have a feeling I will stop posting in this thread soon the way it is going
  18. We have A LOT of books: - Excuse crappy quality. It is dark today and my phone camera sucks. Even Bailey has a lot of books http://img185.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=image005wr.jpg < It's an album.
  19. Look at all you guys complaining about a little fake jizz on your face. Try being a woman and actually copping it
  20. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!! Evo your secret is safe with me ''Warhammer Online blew chunks'' < Reminds me of a really inappropriate story. - Ask O'Pray on steam about it, if you're lucky he will be in a sharing mood and not come kick my butt for bringing it up *runs*
  21. Menna Chuu an I. Bailey. My two loves
  22. I'll give it a go, only because I have a little place in my heart set aside for porn and wishing to see and do new things. Rhys get the condoms were gonna go see some 3d prons!
  23. ahahahaha, I love our country and how incredibly bogan we all really are. This is one of my fave older Aus ads. Football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars! Football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars! Football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars! Football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars!
  24. http://www.facebook.com/pages/im-not-right...41675376?v=wall This page on fb has some of the funniest/weirdest pics I have seen for a while. Sharing is caring <3
  25. I read something about it in ZOO magazine here (i's a mens mag). It said that Stallone couldn't get some actors unless he agreed to stupid terms, Like the weird plots and the crappy effects. Either way it got a bad rating. Personally I frikkan LOVE B grade movies, sexploitations and just about anything you can find on a site I belong to that only caters for rare or poorly marked movies. O'Pray hates them and we don't watch many anymore
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