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Everything posted by Ness

  1. Messy, tisk tisk. Nice tattoos tho
  2. Im allergic to pickles....
  3. Last one is epic, id kill for a pic with original tmnt!
  4. User: I just pooped in your butt. Cleverbot: Would you like a gold star? ^^ Gold!
  5. I just went to upload some pics of your tatts but I am on your pc so I don't have them Facebook? I don't have a pic of the one for Bobby on here. Some of mine: To many to post so I linked below, and some artwork. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=919&...mp;l=f37f55c5b8
  6. I thought the rule was: Balls can touch anything but each other. This includes chin, lips and ass. I look forward to seeing your tattoos Sir.
  7. May I see this vid?
  8. Not gay unless balls are touching. valkyrie wings! = Awesome idea, What tattoos do you have now?
  9. Your avatar scares me so bad....
  10. Not all ''newer'' cartoons are bad, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is great. Invader Zim, Squidbillys. I have tattoos of shake and meat wad. I also have ren and stimpy tattoos. (bunch of other crap people would think is stupid) Stargate, tmnt, 1ups, awesome faces, allied and axis symbols, kirbys and catface.
  11. lmao @ this guy. I cop this stuff daily. Hence why I stick to 1st nowadays. No verbal assault or somebody asking me if I will ''yolk'' for them. (stick an egg up my butt). I've met some crazies on dod, and I don't mean O'Pray (yes we met on dod) . - I have even had a guy come to my house and ask me to marry him and beat the crap out of me when I told him to leave. <<< Aus dod community is full of creepy psychopaths.
  12. Some of the best guitarists in history have been self taught
  13. Please, we all know you love it
  14. awwee cute.
  15. After a year of guitar lessons when I was younger, I can rock Summer lovin from Grease. - Oh yeah you better believe that! Unfortunately I am terrible and will always be terrible at guitar. I have 2 music degrees and play a number of other instruments to make up for my failure tho Are you playing by ear and tabs or just ear? - http://guitar.about.com/library/bleasysongs_band.htm - Maybe some of these tabs will catch your eye
  17. Ugh ugly strippers. On the other hand your avatar made me smile Englebretson.
  18. I don't know how America/Canada works but here charity is charity, no compensation, We don't even get money for giving blood
  19. +1
  20. awww I am a organ donor and I have donated my body to science. I cannot give blood for many reasons unfortunately.
  21. If we were American maybe
  22. I am not sure how charity happy this forum is, but just encase some of you may want to participate or appreciate this: Below is a link to a facebook page that was made by a friend when I decided I did not want presents for my last birthday. - Instead I wanted people to give blood or sign up for organ donation. I would like to stress to the full extent that I am not expecting anybody to sign up. Or to become blood or organ donors. - I know that some hold beliefs or personal perceptions that cause you to not be in the standing to wish to participate. - I respect this and I am NOT pushing anybody into doing anything. If anybody wishes to help create awareness or just to simply support the cause then please sign up and invite anybody else that may appreciate it. - It is not purely Australian, we have people from all over the world that have liked the page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ness-blood-o...92106695?ref=ts < linky to the page. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1184...p;ref=fbx_album < linky to some reasons why this started up. <3 Ness. xx.
  23. So many take for granted what others have fought and payed the ultimate price for. - Thank you to these brave soldiers and so many more for what we have today <3 *salute*
  24. lmao that or a booster seat! I really dislike being so small soemtimes. I am covered in tattoos and piercings = pain junkie. I have just got into tattooing and have been offered a job at Twin City Tattooing. - Once Grim knows what is going on with his ARMY stuff I will make a decision on whether I will take the job or if it would be better for us (as a family) if I don't. - No use taking up a job I won't be able to maintain or maybe even have to move away from. I vote we see more pics of that dude with the pizza box, that made me laugh hard.
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