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Everything posted by Ness

  1. C C C COMBO BREAKER! Rhys always sits like that, I play on both my knees. - Helps contribute some height and also stops my chair that seems to have some kinda of self momentum, from swinging me away from the desk. (I am 5 foot). STOP JUDGING ME! Thank you for the piercing comment Lawrence, I'd try pull off black nail polish but I bite my nails unnaturally low so it would look like little burnt stubs
  2. You look tired, get some sleep boi .... Me with my glasses. Bailey and I. Bailey Family shot. Rhys aka Grim in all his gaming glory. Bailey and I again. Bailey and Grim fun times. I am all Pictured out.
  3. bwahahah
  4. I don't have itunes but mine would pretty much be the same as Teachy and Kabasares. Add a little Tool
  5. I'll never eat stuffing again
  6. wtf is going on with her cheeks?.....
  7. Ness

    Quote Thread

    Ingame: Collins tks me Me: Why do you hate me Collins: .... because you're different Me: ....
  8. I heard the Jewish are more inclined to let you stick it in their butt? or was it give head? I don't know anymore *shakes head*
  9. Ness


    Oh wow, the laughter I have right now cannot be explained.
  10. Ness


  11. Not exactly requesting a ban but somebody needs to do something about this girl/woman. She gets to me for a number of reasons. * Last time I checked dod was not a dating site or a chat room. * She sounds like elmo on crack. * Her attitude sucks and the swearing is constant. * She borderline thinks she rules your server and can get away with anything. I know that you are all for supporting female players within the community, and I for one thank you, but this doesn't mean that you should let women be on a pedastool. It is about equality not obnoxiousness. If we are to play the game, we should play the same as anybody else. I left the server yesterday due to her being so damn annoying. I can't stand women that act entitled. But - The above was not enough to warrant a complaint. THIS IS: - My partner Grim went into your server last night. Around 7:00 my time. Tiffany mic spam like always, I cringed, he said he may mute her. She proceeded to cry wolf about a accidental tk from Turner and I was amazed at the behavior that followed..... Some 1st turned on Turner, to such an extent he left the server. And then she is quite happy with her effort and continues playing within the server like nothing ever happened. I can tell you right now - If I was in there and not my bf she would have copped a mouthful. Turner is one of you, and he copped it for her bullshit?! What sort of respect does this show toward your fellow unit member? - None..... Just shows that she can do what she wants and nobody will do anything about it. I for one do not wish to see this again because I don't want to disrespect and rage up in your server. Which means I will no longer be playing on your server. It makes you all look bad when you chose e bewbs over a team mate guys. You need to do something...... I think he deserves an apology at the least.
  12. Ness


    bwahaha, WAD have a lot of screwy rules. They originally banned me because of another Ness that used to play there - big mouth and a small brain, bad mix. She accused me of ''stealing her alias'' when we have the same first name, in turn nickname. I kindly told her I was older so I rightfully had it first and she could stick it. Then I was banned for ''hacking'' and then finally for dropping the c bomb at an admin after he abused me for pointing out they rip off their members. (I've never snapped like that before, it felt great), And my entire clan was blanket banned for life. WAD make their members pay to be in the clan. The money they get covers the servers, vent and all the ''events'' they hold. A lot is left over and the leaders cash it. They weren't impressed when I did the math and asked where the extra cash went.
  13. Ness


    Stop acting like such an Aussie
  14. Ness


    Ahhhh the Australian dod community *memory's* Trying to converse with most of these people is worse than popping balloons on your privates. They are shallow, callous, ignorant, arrogant and VERY very egotistical. Collins you bruised their all mighty gaming egos, as I do. - I am banned from 80% of Aus servers. Not for abuse or racism, bad behavior or exploiting.... For suspected hacking.... (lame). Was it the WAD server you were on? It would make my day if it was I led a comp clan for 3 years, I have played since I was 19 (I am 24 now) I met my partner on dod and I played it to damn much in the past. - People do not understand that after a while, even without serious prac and dedication: You WILL learn maps and you WILL know your enemy. The Aus dod community is far to competitive and it is full of the same old losers year after year, they can't move on and will never progress past anything but their asses. The game means far to much for them. I even had a guy hack my accounts, get my address and come to my house when they lost a war, he broke 2 of my ribs and I had to get a restraining order. Tell them to stick it Collins. This unit/clan is 110% better than any you will ever find in Aus, Not because they have better game ethic, but because they are simply better people.- Looks to me like you're in the right place
  15. Ness

    3 Words

    One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time a Q-tip entered my rectum, but it reminded me of a time with strawberries and melted fudge dip. Two years later, I joined the 501st because I wondered if they were any good. To my surprise, it's decent. Anyways, there I was TK'ing in spawn when my Thompson fell apart and I said, "Shit! .. Then the Admin forced me to give him a rusty fish hook which he took on a trip and used to catch gay sailors. Sailor Englebretson jumped into the Admin's storage locker and pulled out his Longsword. He started swinging it madly trying to hit a baby seal but instead he stabbed Zahl in the left buttcheek. Zahl moaned and screamed alot for hot candle wax to be slowly dripped on to his hot and spicy chilli-burger, the name he bestowed upon Cayen. Suddenly Aliens rushed Mcdowell's porn stash. The MRB shot Zahl's European face with gooey, sticky dijon mustard sauce with an added smack on the tip of his penis head. Then, cramer decided to make Cayen lick the mustard off of the large blue, wet rock that Cramer just urinated all over. After licking the rock, McKenzie sprung at Zahl trying to t-bag him. Meanwhile in Metropolis...Superman jacked off in front of Parker's bedroom window while poking his best cannelloni yet
  16. Oh we don't think, we know
  17. Ness


    I am so pissed at you Collins.... You have the perfect chance to be stereotypical and shout I LOVE FOSTERS within the forums, and you don't take it... bitch.... We don't really like Fosters here (unless you're a bogan and you usually like VB aswell) We just ship it over to you guys I prefer Crown lager. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Lager But I drink very rarely and prefer Scotch if I do. *shakes her head at Collins* FOR SHAME!
  19. My 2 yr old daughter Bailey and I (I has just had a transfusion I look wreaked). Me a few weeks ago. Bf and I.
  20. Exactly, the bumhole of Aus
  21. Nobody cares about the act or Tazzie
  22. ahaha. Collins, I am originally from the Yarra Valley, not far from you, I'm still not far. So watch your pretty little mouth We don't have provinces, we have states, and a territory. Wells I won't squeal with you but I'll do the girly jumping holding both hands thing. I've seen it done and wouldn't mind doing it I guess.
  23. I am not a unit .... but.... I didn't know where else to put this Sorry it took me so long so come and say hi. Thought I would semi end the sausage fest for the poor lonely Miss. For those that remember me I am the strange Aussie girl that occasionally comes onto your server and scares the children. For those that don't: I am Vanessa'ann, I am 24 and I am from Victoria Australia. I have a 2 yr old girl Bailey and I love motox, mma and body mods. Thank you for the pleasant game time and for letting me ruin younger players ears with my devil speak <3 - Ness.
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