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Everything posted by Kanganis

  1. They were put to death.
  2. I saw the first video in my AP US History class. One of the odd things that I noticed was that apparently the UK was given permission to run a few tests in Los Alamos it seems. Also just an fyi, the US and the Soviet Union were constantly racing to improve the atomic bomb; trying to gain the upper hand. That is why so much testing occured over such a long period of time. You might have noticed that in 1991 very little nuclear testing occured. This is because the Soviet Union collapsed and the United States and other nations no longer needed to keep racing to deter nuclear war.
  3. I like the Vietnam maps. My first time on the map "The Battle of La Drang" I played as a medic in a squad that posted up on the south side of the map. Our squad followed a dry riverbed and keept a lookout for any NVA trying to cross the river. The firefights got intense. About five times during the course of the map, half my squad got "incapacitated." Most of those times I was the only living medic and it gets intense when five or six other guys shouting for a medic. Also, I played a game on another map which pitted the Russians against the Chinese. My squad was assigned to defend an oil refinery. Things were mostly calm, however about 15 minutes in a large group of enemies began shooting us from the hills that surrounded the oil refinery. One time a tank even began taking shots at us. I had to take cover behind a wall and wait for enemies to run into the permiter of the refinery before I poped them. I killed about 20 people during that match. Insanely fun. Point is, check it out. The infantry combat is really fun and visceral. If you can, try and play some of the vietnam maps, I like them the most.
  4. Name: GrUmPyGrAy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:36697042 Reasons for the Ban: Tked 5 people in spawn at the beginning of the round. Sgt. A Scinta and Sgt. S Musleh were present in the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  5. I am still not allowed access.
  6. Name: S. Kanganis Rank: N/A Type of issue: Ventrillo Server Issue Brief Description of Issue: When I try to connect to the Ventrillo server I am given this error: "Maximum number of allowed guest logins has been reached. Try again later." ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Pending Reply Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: SSgt. S. Woz Supporting Technician:
  7. Hello everyone. So, Fallout 4 is going to be coming out in a few weeks. If you to satiate your Fallout craving temporarily then why not try out a fantastic total conversion mod? I present to you Fallout: Dust. Dust is a hardcore survival simulator that will change the way you think about Fallout forever. If you want more info look here: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/579...ew%3D&pUp=1
  8. I will crawl back to my hole of shame. Just saying though, that video has 600,000 views. I have a fear that I am going to be featured on some famous person's twitch stream or youtube video and I am going to get absolutely destroyed.
  9. Skip to 0:55 This was in my suggested videos. Edit: Spelling errors at the most inopportune times.
  10. I dare you not to laugh.
  11. Volvo pls fix. Also enjoy this
  12. Not CSGO, but still...
  13. Title: GIBE DE PUSI B0SS Artist: Pink Guy (Spotify URL:) https://soundcloud.com/pink-guy-album/gibe-de-pusi-b0ss
  14. Show them this video.
  15. Name: Howard Payne Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:31971610 Reasons for the Ban: TKed 6/7 people in spawn with MG and fled the server Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: No but Gougeon and Woz were in the server
  16. Name: GODLAKSN Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:65335438 Reasons for the Ban: TKed in spawn with grenades and fled the server Recommended duration of ban: About 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  17. I believe I have found the worst game to have ever been released since the turn of the 21st century. Before finding the game in question, I would have said that Ride to Hell: Retribution was the worst game of the 21st century. Now I have discovered Limbo of the Lost. Well I think that this video should speak for itself: That was in game footage of Limbo of the Lost. You may think that that is some shitty 90's adventure game, but no... Limbo of the Lost was released in 2008. Limbo of the Lost was intended to be released for the Amiga Personal Computer back in the 1990's. Instead the game took 10 years to develop and has now been released. The game seems to follow a Captain Benjamin Briggs, the real life commander of the Mary Celeste. The Mary Celeste was discovered adrift in 1872 with the whole crew missing. In the game, Briggs is now trapped in Limbo in the middle of a feud between Fate and Destiny. It should be noted that NONE OF THIS INFORMATION IS CONVEYED TO THE PLAYER. One needs to read the game manual in order to actually learn any of this. The second interesting thing about Limbo of the Lost is that the game also uses a lot of stolen assets from: Return to Castle Wolfenstein World of Warcraft Epic's Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004 Konami's Silent Hill series Lionhead's Black & White 2 Blizzard's Diablo 2 Troika's Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind The 1997 film Spawn After the distributors of the game found out about the stolen assets they recalled most of the games still left on shelves. This means that a mint condition American copy of Limbo of the Lost can go for as much as $1,300. I personally am watching someone do a full playthrough of the game on youtube, but you are more than welcome to buy, or better yet, pirate the game (no one will care if you pirate a game that is mostly pirated anyways). I am just astounded by the fraudulent business practices of Majestic studios and by how fucking bizarre the finished product is. Oh and here is the games amazing ending for you to enjoy:
  18. Make it exactly like this
  19. A total of 10,000 rounds were fired in the making of this film.
  20. Of course you do, everyone does. They're tanks. I think mine got ran over by a semi and it still works. http://www.geekologie.com/2008/03/gameboy-...mbing-still.php This was on display at the Nintendo Store in New York City for a while.
  21. My vote is for the Play Station 1 or as some call it the PSX. I think the PS1 was a huge step forward for the home console. I know most people like to talk about the PS1 since it was the beginning of the "3D Era" but I think most of the 3D games at the time sucked dick. What I liked about the PS1 was its great selection of RPGs. In particular I loved the games Persona 1 and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (Persona 2 Innocent Sin was great, but not released in the US. I played it in 2008 when a fan translation was released). They are classic dungeon crawling RPGs that had a modern setting which was very unique for the time. If you are in search of a good game I suggest you play the PSP remakes of Persona 1 and the Persona 2 Duology (Persona 2 Innocent Sin and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment). Also how could anyone not like Castlevania Symphony of the Night?
  22. I should also add that I had to warn ChUmPi about his pornographic spray earlier this week as well.
  23. Name: The Greasy Ghost! Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:39403364 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple team kills in spawn, then proceeding to flee the server Recommended duration of ban: 3 Days Demo Provided?: No
  24. This doesn't count. It is based off of a true story.
  25. I am just saying that that is what you get for putting on a "tough guy" persona in a video game. All those guys on the internet are all bark, no bite. They need a veil to be able to act tough. Despicable!
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