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Everything posted by Kanganis

  1. Title:Say Goodbye - Artist:Theory of a deadman Link to song cause it's that awesome Click here if you want to survive
  2. Fuck the Phillies Go YANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. This shit is hilarious!
  4. Wells you really creep me out.
  5. happy birfday (spelling fail) Ritchey

  6. Oh wells you must still want me to ask. OK! Wells am I annoying Wells am I annoying Wells am I annoying Wells am I annoying Wells am I annoying Wells am I annoying Wells am I annoying Wells am I annoying
  7. To deal with that I just ask wells if i'm annoying.
  8. New York Giants
  9. Yeah me too
  10. count me in. I'll be happy to get owned because I don't know two shits about hockey.
  11. It's tempting to go because of the nurses but wtf is this guy's logic hey eat here it's bad for you uh no shit everything has lard in it.
  12. Uh I think she was supposed to go flying instead she got sucked under the car.
  13. Germany (20) United States (69) Norway (19) Japan (19) Mexico (13) Sweden (24) Australia (20) Denmark (18) Russia (18)
  14. This year there is going to be one Giant upset! GIANT UPSET catch my drift?
  15. I voted for the saints since there is no New York Giants and I hate the eagles and the new england queers.
  16. What "rewards"?
  17. Kanganis

    Fathers Day

  18. I loved the penumbra series so this is going on my wishlist or whatever.
  19. Inglourious Bastards plain and simple
  20. word
  21. Kanganis

    Fathers Day

    I was once a father my wife left with the kids now I sit inside building trains and train sets. next stop lonely vill. *Loud weeping* I can't take it. *click BANG* happy fathers day.
  22. True true If you can aim correctly.
  23. OmG hax!!!!!!111!!1111!!1!!111! JK JK JK nice video you did all that with an M1 jesus.
  24. you failed boo *facepalm*
  25. France (11) Germany (20) United States (24) Canada (23) Norway (20) Japan (20) Mexico (20) Sweden (20) Australia (20) Denmark (20) Russia (22) don't we have to do this at least 209 times till we have a winner
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