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R. Baker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by R. Baker 1st MRB

  1. I agree that the proper refs need to come bask asap but on that last call in the packers seahawks game it was a close one because although Jennings caught it first, Tate also had it in his hands and landed on 2 feet 1st and jennings landed on Tate, I think it was an interception but it is a very close call.
  2. When Mendenhall comes back from injury for the steelers do you think he will be their main RB again or do you think Redman will keep his place??
  3. Great Job everyone! Brilliant read!
  4. I think Pandas team looks the best
  5. I will try and make the draft but because of the time I might not be able to, I have set up a wish list just in case. Sorry in advance if I do not attend
  6. Haha Great Video! Here
  7. Wooo! Been in the best realism unit for 2 years!!
  8. Name:Unkown real name Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:37714449 Reasons for the Ban:Impersonating 1st MRB members. Proof: http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/73229 Recommended duration of ban:Up to you Demo Provided?: No
  9. Get this started again! Platoon with Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger, Forest Whitaker, John C. McGinley & load more! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091763/
  10. Wow thanks! I have opened the insignia onto my original image and when I move it over it, it goes behind the image, do you know how I can make it so the insignia is shown over the image.
  11. Where do I find the 1st MRB Insignia and how do i turn it into a vtf. file??
  12. I forgot about GIMP, I tried it before but found it complicated, I will give it a go again though because I really want to make sprays! Thanks
  13. I want to try and learn how to make sprays but I don't have enough money for photoshop, Does anyone know of any good FREE software that will get the job done?? Thanks
  14. Outstanding! Keep it up, I will want to buy one of your albums soon!!
  15. Name:Jerry Sandusy Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:3376606 Reasons for the Ban:Racism, left before I could ban. Recommended duration of ban:Up to you. Demo Provided?: No but Barry and Jablonski were there.
  16. I did it last year not knowing a clue about it, It is really easy to learn, you should give it a try!
  17. Cutts your are AMAZING! You told me everything I needed to know and it all worked 1st time! Thanks alot!
  18. Great Job! I love reading these!
  19. I'm not sure if it is my config or not. When I create a bind in game, the next time I turn on the game, the bind is no longer on there. I have also tried changing it in the config itself but it hasn't worked. It is the same with importing Sprays, when I import a spray it will work on the game until i Quit the game but when I go back on the game, I have to import it for it to work again. This isn't to do with the same sort of thing but what do i need to change in my config for me to make my flashlight work again! Thanks for your time.
  20. He deserved to win the final, when he was by himself, but the African was to tall!
  21. Name:Quebec Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:13398665 Reasons for the Ban:Score of "-22" when I joined the server, he left before I could ban him. Recommended duration of ban:Upto you Demo Provided?: No but Pvt. Michel was there
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