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R. Baker 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by R. Baker 1st MRB

  1. Thanks Dillon for this! Elf reminded me about this config and helped me set it up. It has made my registration and lerp so much better.
  2. I couldn't see any updates for my audio drivers in the past couple of months.
  3. I tried both type of headsets. I have tried in front and back. Yes ventrilo is the only programme that I don't here sound on.
  4. I'm Speechless, that's one of the first videos I've ever seen fully and I couldn't take my eye off it.
  5. Yeah I have Re-installed vent twice now.
  6. I have changed the vent settings to that and there is still no sound..
  7. The error message has stopped coming up but I tried changing the input device and nothing happened.
  8. The 32 bit did not work I will run a scan on the program to see if anything happens, if that doesn't work I might just restart my computer completely.
  9. Ok, thanks Sir, I have re installed it but I will try the 32 bit as suggested. *Salute*
  10. I tried running as administrator and it still has no sound, it does a very faint clicking noise when I change channel but no other sound at all.
  11. Done everything you said, Still no sound. I'm not running vent as administrator.
  12. I am using Vista. Na I'm not using a Hardware input mixer.
  13. BUMP? I need HELP!
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. LOL, That was a great laugh!
  16. I checked the system sound control settings and it looks OK. I checked the use direct sound box and changed it to the correct output device but I am still unable to hear anything on ventrilo.
  17. yeah Sano went through everything on the setup and said it all sounds fine. My output Device is set to: Default Wave Mapper. If this is wrong please say.
  18. Ok, thanks Sir.... Not sure what to do about it. =[
  19. Vista. No I can't hear anything at all on there.
  20. Sano has told me how the whole of the setup should be and it is all ok, he suggested than a admin might have accidently made me death on vent because I can hear on every other thing, videos, music, game. So I do not know what else to try.
  21. Ok, thanks Magoo speak to you later.
  22. Yesterday when I was on vent it was all fine. Today I come on here and when I do anything on there no sound comes up on my headset or any other headset I have tried. I think people can hear me because when I say "can you speak if you can hear" me the sound icon flashes but I still can't hear anything. PLEASE HELP! Oh and also when I go onto vent a error message now comes up and says: VoiceCommMixerStart: Invalid voice mux selection. (-1).
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