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About Lobacki

  • Birthday 08/03/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Boston, MA
  • Interests
    Gaming<br />Kamel Reds<br />Natty Light<br />Aggressive Skating (My razors are my children)

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  1. Someone from the UK just ship me a bottle that is classic! haha
  2. Good call luna I was just about to mention that. Don't mess with that kid's turtles, he likes them
  3. Hahah very intresting read Dillon. But hey thats what true love is, right?
  4. Hahaha, and ritchey again you make me laugh with your random pictures
  5. Glad to see you joined man, time to get filthy

  6. I don't mind being iced... i like the taste but I won't let anyone else know that
  7. This is the slope chute I don't see why everyone is raging. Random stories are ment to be put here. On a side note ritchey where are you finding all these hair pictures
  8. Unless your the president, she listed the exact people who would care if anyone died.... I agree mate. But she needs some help not the best thing to be putting on facebook
  9. This looks awesome
  10. Hahahaha!
  11. I wouldn't mess with japan thats just another weapon they are expermenting with!
  12. My dad always tells me I will be living in a van down by the river (in that voice he does) though he uses it to insult me I wouldnt mind it............. water front property!
  13. I agree with everything you said, a life is a life no matter what. I am no animal right's actavist but even when I see my friends smash a bee (for example) I can't help to wonder what it just went through and how I would never want that to happen to me. Though I just want to point out we are animals and I find it sad that society treats us like we arn't. One day we will return to instinct.
  14. Dad is really polish and my mom is really scottish. My mom's maiden name is Robertson, in scotland we have a clan castle and musuem. It's pretty cool, and I've had to wear a kilt with out clan colors on it for some occasions. Really proud about where I come from
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