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About Bismarck

  • Birthday 02/26/1988

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    long walks on the beach, reading books so I can for certain tell people I have a much better IQ and diction, eating in front of the homeless, crushing peoples dreams with a zergling rush, getting drunk off of heinekens and jagerbombs while popping my collar, spelling colour as it rightfully should be spelt, driving slow in the fast lane on the highway, using the wal-mart sound system to announce fires/ car towings/ large sales/ aids epidemic

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Forum Trainee (5/91)



  1. Don't be lookin at mah profile like you know me!

  2. Cheers gents, from the not so down under of Canada. Was drunk by 9:30 im told and the show only got better from there hahaha
  3. Stop holding your groin and come play LoL

  4. Captain's Log: It appears the noob infestation has worsened of late...I have doubts that our crew will survive to see a Divine Rapier. First to build = gg! pwnage!

  6. Ive already kicked off the festivities with a nice triple helping of my good friend Mr. Glenfiddich! Cheers all from Scotland!
  7. TEACHEY!! Sattle up little lad and get out there make it a good day then, none of this "not a good day" nonsense! Its your bday man! Go out and motorboat some titties! Earn 10 points for Gryffindor!!
  8. Awwwwww!! Thanks Pumpkin! I want you to know that their has been news on that and I might be home soon
  9. Its only because your a fucking lucker noobs and im going to start jiggling my ethernet cord if you dont start pushing...and even then im gonna try as hard as I can on respawn

  10. you're just jealous cuz all i do is pick the hero that will steal kills the fastest

  11. I creep pull with two stunners breathing down on my ally near tower because i saw it in pro replays

  12. what the fuck is a minimap

  13. Dear Renee,

    Stop your pro wanna be last hit skillz and stealing my kills for gold. You are wrecking my team synergy.


  14. I've wrestled on and off over the course of the last 4 years including both for my highschool and Uni, and although I'm no champ I was coaching this past year at my old highschool. I've got to say, even though its been a great time, Id trade it all in to be part of a team sport rather than an individual one, I much prefer competitive hockey and rugby. I suppose I'm comparing apples to oranges here but I think that much with anything in life a group is much more effective and can make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. I've got some time to kill so let me rant alittle here. Individual combat sports are largely based on a persons mental zeal, and what I mean by that is its very demanding on one individual to keep constantly strong. This includes things like keeping a routine for training, being able to pick yourself up after being knocked down without letting it affect you etc etc. (I'm sure those in individual sports can think of many things). I mean being physically strong is one of those things that you either have or you don't and when in combat the physical side is largely based on preparation and in turn comes back to how well you've been able to commit yourself to the cause and/or goals you've set to achieve. Yes, a lucky blow can be landed or some outside circumstance such as illness or injury can make you lose, but lets face facts here, more times than not a person who trains longer, harder and is more devoted will win. Team sports are very dependant on organisation and cohesion rather than a mental aspect. It is true that the higher a persons mental zeal the higher their chances of succeeding in such an event but it isn't as critical as it would be in an individual contest. Being part of a group can produce a greater spark for keeping routines and zeal because of the mob mentality of the contact (combat per say) in the sport. It then all comes down to, in a group sport, how well you can react and work as a unit, as I've hinted at, making the whole greater than the sum of its parts. This kind of thing, I think at least, prepares you much more for life as a whole because we rarely work alone and being able to interact with others is always going to be a huge part of living. I even mean getting along with all those assholes who are eventually going to piss you off somewhere down the road aka. your boss or the idiot who gets paid as much as you do although you do the same job and are better at it but hey, whose bitter right . Anyway, bringing all this to a conclusion we can really see it all in our realisms. Certain people (and Ill use Collins as a good example of this, cheers budda) tend to prefer and react better when situated by themselves and are much more effective that way, not needing to depend on interaction of others and being mentally strong to deal with the situation. Where as others (not sure who exactly, but I'm definitely one) prefer to be in a group, using the variety of weapons and using tactics/ organisation to produce cover fire and other things that can make a team very deadly. It also brings me alittle chuckle every time a realism comes down to a 1v1 and everyone makes bets on who will win based pretty much on who is more mentally prepared/capable of being in that type of situation. Obviously Id never put money on myself if that kind of thing happens, I'm more of that small percentage of "lucky noobzor shot" hahaha, but I do find myself picked largely on my contribution to listen and lead in a group atmosphere. I've also probably over analysed all this and typed more than what was really expected, but theres my full two cents on the matter lol
  15. Eh guys! Great newsletter, its been great keeping updated on whats happening when im unable to game. Cheers
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