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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Emmrich

  1. Emmrich


    Just wanted to say hi to everyone. Its been awhile since i last posted. Hope everyone is well Happy holidays Raiders! Dont eat too much!
  2. Videos great but you should drop something metal on that!
  3. I like the skull on the back not too big of a fan of the weird looking cracked out hick on the front though... I got a sleeve done on me arm. I love tats bro. Id post the pics of it but i cant figure that shit out it would be bad ass if you had a crazy demon head on the otherside though
  4. They are all corrupt in the end... Enjoy your freedoms and dont let them take away your shit thats my theory Defend the constitution!!!
  5. That shits pretty awesome wish i had some skill like that!!
  6. at least you cant kill me here Jin!!
  7. Id DO er!! AHAHAH!!!
  8. When you check out, if spent shell casings aren't littered around your feet, you didn't check out right Booze is the answer. I don't remember the question. "Obstruction of justice? No sir, we prefer to think of it 'avoiding complications'." This little piggy went to Hades This little piggy stayed home this little piggy ate raw and steaming human flesh this little piggy violated virgins And this little piggy clambered over a heap of dead bodies to get to the top. Women should always wear tight clothes, and men should carry powerful handguns I'd call him a sadistic, hippophilic necrophile, but that would be beating a dead horse. I'm drunk...I'm armed...I'm off my meds. You had better make your message really, really sweet For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain. Always remember to pillage BEFORE you burn. That which does not kill me had better run pretty damn fast. I can tell that you are lying, your lips are moving I would have liked to insult you, but the sad truth is that you wouldn't understand me. A young sailor was sitting in a cafe having a few drinks when he looks over and sees a pirate. The pirate has a wooden peg-leg, a hook for a hand, and patch over his eye. Unable to resist, the sailor asks how you end up with a peg-leg? I was swept overboard during a fierce storm, says the pirate. and a bloody shark bit off me whole darn leg! Holy cow! said the sailor. What about the hook, how you get that? Me crew and I were boarding an enemy ship, a fierce sword battle ensued. One of them cut me darn arm! Absolutely incredible! gasped the sailor. And the eye patch, tell me how you got that? A bloody seagull dropping fell into me eye, replied the pirate. Umm, you lost your eye to a seagull dropping? asked the sailor, admonished. Embarassed, the pirate answered It was me first day with the hook.
  9. and niether of them r really doin that great!!!
  10. Greece (58) London (51) New York (48) Sydney (59) Tokyo (40) Brazil (51) Toronto (43) Miami (53) Montreal (47)
  11. that the shit!! Hes twisted Awesome pick ford!!! That should get them in the mood
  12. Make sure your extra cheery..,. might wanna wear some legging I hear those skirt get a little breezy
  13. Greece (59) London (50) New York (48) Sydney (58) Tokyo (41) Brazil (51) Toronto (43) Miami (53) Montreal (47)
  14. Hell yeah dude! They got a sweet haunted house here in appleton called the terror on the fox. Been there a couple times its pretty awesome they play this twisted heavy metal. It rocks! Razor blades hopkins your nuts!
  15. Ahhhh Pink Floyd!!

    Happens to be my favorite band of all time!! Fav song comfortably numb for sure!

  16. See i would need one to be on a weekend or late night which will never happen.... I work till 11 central time. I always miss the good stuff
  17. Yes!!! Denis Leary is the shit!!!
  18. "I would never do crack... I would never do a drug named after a part of my own ass, okay
  19. GOOD GOOD! Now you just need to sign on up
  20. The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.
  21. If you have ever reach total enlightenment while drinking a beer, I bet it makes beer shoot out your nose. If your ever robbing a bank and your pants suddenly fall down its ok too laugh,its ok to let the hostages laugh too, because come on life is too funny.
  22. Very well mckenzie thank you for the lesson! Nice joke Mcdowell and at least i know the true meaning of this phrase. Gooderham whats the date that you have on this unit realism?
  23. It seemsa s though the image is colored ofr a secon anyways cover up half the pic and then wait... I think its set up that way to make you think its that way.
  24. Yep funny ass commercial for sure! We can keep that server rank higher thats for sure! I wanna do some more open realisms so ill definately be in the pub as much as I can
  25. Ooh-rah (also spelled Urah or Hoo-rah) is a spirited cry common to United States Marines since the mid-20th century. It is comparable to the Hooah cry used in the Army or Hooyah by the Navy SEALs. It is most commonly used to respond to a verbal greeting or as an expression of enthusiasm. Just to clear things up
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