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About Tompkins

  • Birthday 07/11/1994

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    Wyoming, Michigan

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  1. This post will serve as an open apology to any units and their members affected by the incident that took place on Friday, March 8th on the 2nd ID's Public server. It will also serve as a reassurance that such actions will not be tolerated by BlackWatch, and the offending party has been discharged. We hope that this incident will not interfere with the current relationship between BlackWatch and the offended units. On behalf of 2nd Lieutenant Tompkins and all of BlackWatch, we apologize for our member's actions and we assure you that it will not happen again. For those of you who believe the accusations that Black Watch would condone hacking, I personally Tompkins would like to remove such rumors immediately . We're a strong unit that relies on Honor, and Respect. We will not fail our own standards by failing either of those, hacking would bring both Dishonor to our tag, and it Disrespects the community. I hope that this situation will be settled quickly, and efficiently. Please, as one realism player, to all others, I ask that such remarks either be dropped, or kept to one's self. We'll never condone such actions, and will never allow such actions to be condoned. Signed, Second Lieutenant Samuel Tompkins, Commanding Officer. Private One-Star Michael Hodges, Public Affairs Representative.
  2. Updated. Greetings I am the Commanding Officer, Sam Tompkins from Black Watch. We are a unit that's been around since realism hit DoD:S practically, and overall have stuck it out, even if it meant a fragile activity track. We're to help keep true realism alive in DoD:S, as well as looking to seek relations with the realism community itself. Our contact information is listed below: Unit Name: Black Watch Royal Highlands Regiment Commanding Officer: Executive Officer: Vacant SNCO: Corporal Barker Unit Public Affairs Officer: Vacant, Resort to CO Website: http://www.bwrhr.com Current Member Count: 34 Public: - Ladies From Hell Private: - The Dirk Pit Event Server: - Red Hackle Ground Hope to see you on the battle field! Signing off, Second Lieutenant, Sam Tompkins
  3. The Black Watch set up a scrim with the 1st Marine Raiders via a conversation between Lt. Col. Parker, and myself. This is what we've posted on our forums, just posting it here as a heads-up.
  4. Greetings I am the Commanding Officer, Captain Samuel Tompkins from Black Watch. We are a unit that's been around since realism hit DoD:S practically, and overall have stuck it out, even if it meant a fragile activity track. We're to help keep true realism alive in DoD:S, as well as looking to seek relations with the realism community itself. Our contact information is listed below: Unit Name: Black Watch Royal Highlands Regiment Commanding Officer: Captain Tompkins Executive Officer: First Lieutenant Lord SNCO: Warrant Officer Soot Unit Public Affairs Officer: Sergeant Piotrowski Website: http://www.bwrhr.com Current Member Count: 33 Public: Private: Red Orchestra 2 Pub: Address: Port: 7777 Hope to see you on the battle field! Signing off, Captain Samuel Tompkins
  5. Unit Name: 90th Infantry Division CO: S. Tompkins XO: [CLASSIFIED] Unit Liaison: S. Tompkins Soldier Count: 3, and growing Website/Forums: http://the90thid.freeforums.org/index.php Server IP(s): N/A Ventrilo/TeamSpeak: N/A Additional Notes: After leaving the realism community in 2009, I S. Tompkins, returned to duty. I was the old founder and leader of the 76th ID, if you remember them, I'm back but this time with a different unit, hope to see all of you on the battlefield soon!
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