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Jones 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Jones 1st MRB

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Forum Voyeur

Forum Voyeur (32/91)



  1. Well at least it's not showing them as being made from brains and ass holes
  2. Ahh great opportunity m8, I hope it all goes well and yo have an amazing time. Expect you to come back with some interesting stories. Have a good one
  3. I'm not able to view these demo's, anyone else having the same problem?
  4. Congratz Dillon he is so awesome. One hell of a proud dad, and so you should be. Thanks for posting, better not show my wife, she might get ideas.
  5. Happy Birthday m8 Does your voice get a notch deeper each Birthday? Not sure I could take that level of sexiness
  6. Hey Gardner, thanks for the comments appreciate that. See you on the server and vent soon m8

  7. Woot seen you online again!!! Welcome back!!! You have been missed by many both MRB/BAR and pubbers always ask about you!

  8. Merry Christmas all you fine raiders. See you all shortly. Have a great one.
  9. OMG, definitely sounds like a Chinese guy speaking English.
  10. Cast: When did 1stLt Swartz leave Jones: He left between maps Cast: It's the first time I played with him and he only lasted 5 minutes
  11. I thought I actually had you already added but I see I do not. I will clear some friends off my list and add you.
  12. Greeting Schleicher from the 1st MRB, many thanks for your scrim request. The date you have requested does not conflict with any other events we have planned and therefore I can confirm we are available for this scrim. Please add me to your steam friends list, 2ndLt. S. Jones [1st MRB], I prefer to confirm matches over steam to ensure there is no confusion or misunderstanding through communications via forum. We look forward to meeting you on the battlefield. 2ndLt. S. Jones [1st MRB] 1st MRB Public relations Officer
  13. Long brunette hair, ohhhhh yeahhhhhhh
  14. Greetings Pvt. Watson. Many thanks for your scrim request, your proposal appears not to conflict with any other planned events. Therefore we provisionally accept the scrim request, I will contact you on steam to finalise details and set this to confirmed. Regards 2ndLt. S. Jones 1st MRB Public Relations Officer
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