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Jones 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Jones 1st MRB

  1. You caught me out, that is in fact me
  2. Very poor vision also
  3. LMAO
  4. Jones 1st MRB


    Thx m8, I love it
  5. Quite scary isnt it Awww thx Thomas, I'll tell her you said so :)
  6. Jones 1st MRB


    Here's my toy
  7. Me, my wife and my dear old mum, out celebrating mums birthday
  8. why are u wearing a shower cap?
  9. Greetings 1st Lt Ogara, many thanks for introducing yourself and the 6th AD to the 1st MRB. We wish you luck in setting up the new unit and look forward scriming against you in the future. I have added you to my friends list so we can easily keep in contact, I notice that your profile name shows as F/Sgt. A. Mottola [6th AD], just want to check I have added the correct person. Regards CWO. S. Jones [1st MRB] 1st MRB Public Relations Officer
  10. Hey Tate, happy birthday m8, hope u have a great one. :)
  11. Since it's the new year I'm only chargin 3.99 so get dialling
  12. Been to:- France, Belguim, Spain, Majorca, Portugal, Greece, Philippines. Want to visit. US, Canada, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, China, Egypt.
  13. Happy 16th m8 and welcome to the 1st MRB, been a long wait but it will be worth it
  14. Wheres the vid?, wheres the vid? I cant see it, maybe just my browser at work:(
  15. This is always an awesome evening, try hard to make this, you wont regret it. Fun, Fun with a additional measures of FUN. Ohh and did I mention it's also great fun.
  16. Happy B'day Dawson, hope you have a great one.
  17. OMG Engle thought we agreed this vid was just between you and me
  18. Lol it's ok Thomas, that guy was far to slim and attractive to be me
  19. Many thanks for posting your scrim request. We are currently setting up one final scrim for this year and then due to the coming holiday season will not be scriming again until Jan 12. I will add you to my friends list so we can set up a match early in the new year. I look forward to speaking with you, and meeting you on the battle field. CWO. S. Jones
  20. LOL Berg, damit I thought that vid had been restricted to the UK only. Thought I looked fetching in green.
  21. OMG I thought we were alone. Hehe nice one Branem
  22. Awesome news letter as always, great match write up, and just love the comic strip, more more more.
  23. OMFG, do you think he wanted to meet the guy?
  24. Lol Tate, great vid love it.
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