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Everything posted by Fitz

  1. Fitz


    I play it as well, I've got 2 80's and 2 75's and lower as well... all on Muradin
  2. Awesome Promo Video!!! Very well done!
  3. Happy Birthday Major Parker!!! *Salute*
  4. Wow... that sounds like a seriously bad trip your friend was on! Glad your doing alright tho!! I just looked it up on Wikipedia and a couple of ingredients in it shows that its 5-800 times more potent then weed depending on the ingredient and amount used in the product...
  5. Fitz

    Its official

    Congratz Pvt. T. Emmrich
  6. Happy Birthday!!!
  7. where are they selling it for $5?
  8. Just got it today, Name's Drakthanaar
  9. Haha, wow.... I'm with you on that one Ritchey I really wish I hadn't seen that!! lol
  10. I need some help, I keep getting This Problem however it covers the entire screen and isn't transparent. when ever I try to run a 3D Program such as DOD or any other game otherwise I can use my computer normally. Does anyone know whats wrong with it? or how I can fix this problem? I have a GeForce 7900GT Graphics card and I have already tried updating the Drivers for it
  11. Hey Hopkins, Yea... I play WOW, I haven't been on lately... but I'm hoping to change that soon. I play Retail as well... on Muradin
  12. You can find the directions to importing custom sprays Here or you can check out the rest of the forum at the Quartermasters Office
  13. Fitz


    I absolutly have to agree with you on this one! Definitely looks like a movie worth watching!!
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