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  1. Hello 1st Marine Raiders, Are you a individual that wants to play in the UWFL but your unit cannot because of just not wanting to or because of unit size? Well don't worry, the UWFL is starting a community team. Well what is a community team, well first of all the community team is a team made up by community members to play in the 2nd half of the UWFL season. More specifically made up of individuals like you who want to play but cannot because of reasons above. Now what do you need to enlist? Well first xray is still required and since this is a community team 100% xray for the team is required, or it is a forfeit for that match played. Next you need to go to the page and sign up for the team. Now I must repeat we are not asking the command staff to enlist their unit. We accept your response but we are still down a team and trying what we can to provide a good season and a chance for the community to have a looksy on how the league is now ran. *Salute*
  2. Today is the Last day for PreSeason Enrollments The UWFL invites you to participate in our new "Pre Season" event leading up to our third annual regular season competition. The pre-season is a two week, two match event that acts as a "test" phase for new contestants and UWFL units to learn the ropes of UWFL play. Normal rules are removed for this event in order for new UWFL units to have pressure taken off their shoulders in case they make a mistake because when the regular season starts, the rules will be enforced again. We highly encourage ANY units out there thinking of playing in the league to enroll today for the preseason. All it is is two weeks. If you do not like it then that is it. Enrollments for the regular season will be held for one week AFTER preseason ends. So you are by no means "forced" to play the regular season if you do not want to. So if you have enough members to be able to bring 10 fellow unit comrades to the event speak to your command and point them to the UWFL for sign ups. To enroll in the event please go to our Season 3 website and follow the enroll links: ..::United Warfare Season 3 Website::.. Already we are seeing a large showing for this event. So far these units have enrolled. Some are on hiatus because of number problems however for the most part, you can be guaranteed you will see and potentially play units from across the globe who before you may have never met making the UWFL your number one realism league for the DODS Realism Community! 8th Infantry Division 22nd Royal Regiment 3rd Ranger Battalion 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment 31st Infantry Division 1st Special Air Service 6th Infantry Division 11th Airborne Division 94th Infantry Division 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment Join the fun. Where else can you have the opportunity to compete against so many players like yourself? Whether for wins and glory or fun and entertainment, each UWFL match comes with its own brand of heightened senses and sweaty palms. Take it from the veterans, you will never know what the rush is like until youve experienced it first hand!
  3. Greetings I am your representative for UWFL Season 3 Pre-season, for those of you who don't know what the UWFL is, well its basically a organized league held annually that puts units against each other to see who is best. I was given the job to interest you or to at least answer questions to make your choice easier. Anyways as promised I will first list all the rules of the UWFL http://unitedwarfare.com/season3/rules.html Any additional questions I shall answer.
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