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xtex BAR

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Everything posted by xtex BAR

  1. Sad news when defenseless people get slaughtered. My sympathy goes out to the victims and the survivors of this tragedy. In AZ we protect the 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the United States, Right to Bear Arms. Arizona Allows Concealed Weapons without a Permit ARIZONA GUN LAWS I carry with me every time I am out with my family and in public. These psychopaths all have a smirk on their faces. I bet getting a pile driver in the ass a few times will take it off in prison. Sad news again.
  2. WTF did I just watch.. this guy belongs in a circus not on you tube..
  3. that's 4 mins of my life I will never get back.. Thanks.. hahha all kidding aside it seemed like a fun event
  4. haha yes mustache ride!!
  5. Happy 4th Fun facts Ripped from http://www.beliefnet.com/Love-Family/Holid...-surprises.aspx The official vote declaring the independence of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain actually occurred on July 2, 1776. On that date, the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. After approving independence, Congress turned its attention to how to notify King George. A draft of the Declaration of Independence was prepared by Thomas Jefferson, working with John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and Benjamin Franklin. The delegates debated and revised the Declaration, infuriating young Jefferson at least once. They finally approved it on July 4 – thus the date written on the document.
  6. I would stay away from the VW Jetta My wife had one back in the early 90's and it was bullet proof up to 300k miles but now I bought one for good gas mileage and reliability a used 2004 VW Jetta with 35K miles on it boy was I wrong it has been a lemon. do a Google search "Volkswagen Jetta Starting and Stalling Issues" you'll see a boat load of issues that they cannot figure out and throw parts at it (cash cow for VW) I had a Honda and it was a good car and got rid of it for my F-150 wish I would have kept it as a second car. Hope this helps.
  7. I thought if you drank anything but a Guinness in a bar there you would have your man card pulled.
  8. haha fake! One day grasshopper i will show you the way of the "stash"
  9. x[tex] Don't hate on the mustache.. just beacuse you can't grow one..
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