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Distinguished Civilian
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About Desnoyers

  • Birthday 06/29/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    BC Canada

Desnoyers's Achievements

Forum Amateur

Forum Amateur (13/91)



  1. YES! Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Canucks! My turkey dinner was awesome, how was everyone else?
  2. Desnoyers

    New Job

    So basically I got a new job. Wheeeew, finally got to quit the dead end job I've been at for the last three or four years, wow that feels good. It's a camp job, so I fly up to Prince George, work 14 days straight, 11 hour days @ 29.85, then I get to fly home for a week off not including travel time. I'm going up as a general labourer, mainly I think I'll be working along side the Concrete workers. I say that because I just finished a 2 week concrete working course through the union that got me the job. I'm really not looking forward to the cold, and the camp life. But, from what I've heard from people that have worked in camps is it goes fast, and the cold isnt bad if you're prepared, which I am. I had to go out and spent like 600 dollars or more on work gear *Sigh*. Anyways, I leave tomorrow so I wont be in game for 2 weeks, I might drop in the forums to see whats up and let some of you know how everything is going since they provide free WIFI intranetz in the rec room. Here is a link to the Mine sites web page if any of you care to have a look at the videos or something. http://www.mtmilligan.com/ I'll probably be in the server later on today or this evening for one last going away Nazi slaying frenzy. Talk to ya all later if I don't see you. Hopefully I don't freeze my nuts off.
  3. Very well done Branem, that was hella funny
  4. Yea no kidding, what a mind fuck. She was hot, until she wasn't a she anymore... :|
  5. Uploaded with ImageShack.us You jelly bro? Lol I had to.
  6. I have yet to try it cuz i dont wake up early enough to do this shit, I shower put my lunch in my back pack and head out. Buy on a weekend when I get up I will deff be trying this out.
  7. http://d3uwin5q170wpc.cloudfront.net/photo/52693_700b.jpg Read, it. Just do it, if you don't laugh, you're a robot.
  8. Congrats on the youngin there man. That jump picture is pretty sweet. Question for you, My dream is getting into sky diving and base jumping. How did you start out?
  9. Desnoyers


    Yea, I watched part of that on FB today, I think the video is a little much...
  10. I have Morrwind, never really stuck with it though, It kind of felt long and a little boring. Then again I'm way more of an FPS person then a RPG person, BUT. That being said, either way, SkyRim looks SIICK
  11. Wow, does my voice ever come across deep on the mic haha
  12. 4 minutes like 26 deaths or somethingg like that
  13. Yeeee I've seen this before, so dope
  14. Yes Worsham, that is exactly who I pictured when I watched the video
  15. http://youtu.be/25TH_suHOhk
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