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David Of Defeat

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Everything posted by David Of Defeat

  1. Talked to Zahl, Issue resolved. In the unlikely case that Cameron sees this I sincerely apologize and give you mad props. Dave Of Defeat
  2. dS ` CAM?RON <3 kp_^ STEAM_0:0:18484494 Reason for Ban: Hacking Recommended duration of Ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Yes Demo Link
  3. Greece (52) London (50) New York (51) Sydney (51) Tokyo (49) Brazil (51) Toronto (44) Miami (52) Montreal (50)
  4. Watching the rangers game right now. (they are playing some damn good ball) ---------------------------------------- Rangers over Rays in 4 Yankees over Twins in 4 Rangers over Yankees in 7 (Hey a fan can hope, they did sweep the Yankees in the last series we played) ---------------------------------------- Phillies over Reds In 4 Braves over Giants In 5 Phillies over Braves in 6 ---------------------------------------- Phillie's to win it all in game 6 of WS
  5. 25 YO and just began my Sophomore year at UTA (University of Texas at Arlington) I had a minor setback because of my 4 years in the Corps. Degree is going to be in Earth Science, Specifically Environmental Geology.
  6. Greece (52) London (50) New York (52) Sydney (50) Tokyo (50) Brazil (50) Toronto (45) Miami (51) Montreal (50) Blame Canada!!!!
  7. I assume its not just me cause the servers have been empty all day but I cant connect to the server, as soon as i get in I get that red message "connection Problem" with the 30 sec countdown to disconnect. Did i miss an announcement or something?
  8. Hey GMoney can i change my display name, or do i have to get an admin to do it? Just wondering.
  9. Dont fuck with this guy!!!!!! Don't know if any of you guys have seen this guy before, but he has held all 18 world records for a single action revolver since 1960!!!!!!!!!!! I bow down to da man BOB MUNDEN IM NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Thank you for the help Yama, I just changed the e-mail on my old account to an old one I never use anymore so I could register my new one with my current e-mail, I look forward to being around on the forums again Also Gmoney it's all good, I forgot about it too, so no hard feelings.
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