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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Takel 1st MRB

  • Birthday 11/16/1994

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Forum Ninja

Forum Ninja (41/91)



  1. hey ascensio, my 'advice' as someone who is also joining up as a regular soldier in the UK (i.e. not an officer) is that whatever you decide to do, give it everything you have. i'm pretty sure that your choice will be what you want to do, so give it your all and 'be the best'. choose something you will enjoy (obviously) but try to stand out as an exemplary guy, because army pay at entry level sucks, and if you want long-term, you will want to be noticed
  2. i'm apologising beforehand
  3. those roof tiles are like fucking sandpaper
  4. one of the great advantages of knowing how to do things, is that you can knowingly refrain from doing them
  5. yeah, kinda want to turn the creep factor up with this song, it's just waiting for it
  6. So, having recently picked up the guitar i decide i'd start learning more things on more things. I already know a few songs but i decided i wanted to learn something a bit stupid that i can play as a joke. so i found this: I may eventually post videos of wot i gone and done, but for now
  7. is this like made up of nazi/neo-nazi groups logos? why would anyone do that
  8. Congrats Magoo! You really earned it this year!
  9. this is yet another of those completely ridiculous 'theories' that go unchallenged purely because they are so cloud cuckoo land that someone thinks this, and nobody can say 'no, that's completely fucktarded' because they're too busy laughing
  10. little, do you ever wonder why nobody hangs around you?
  11. it took me a whole second of 'holy shit, what happened?" before i realised it was in the mess hall
  12. the rule when i played with my friends was that anyone who wanted to play oddjob would have to agree to be punched everytime they get a kill. i don't think oddjob was a very popular character......
  13. i'm sure there's a word for this exact situation. you know, where you kinda feel you should be sorry for the guy but you can't bring yourself to do so because it was totally the expected outcome and he was an idiot for trying it in the first place?
  14. i got really pissed off at that match, wales didn't play great at all. but then there was that tackle on halfpenny that meant he dropped on his shoulder from too high and the guy who was at him didn't even get a 'yo, be careful'
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