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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. Jones and the Bakers, i believe. they are the one's i could pull from the top of my head, i'm sure there's more though.
  2. the problem is that they can't see it from the standpoint of the palestinians. Parts of Mandatory Palestine were given to Jewish/Zionist settlers at the end of WW2. From the palestinian side, they've been invaded and occupied for the last 70 years or so, of course they're going to attack their invaders. basically, it is colonialist racism in it's most recent evolution. a bunch of land is given to people that haven't lived there by people that didn't own the area in the first place all without the consent of the people that have been living in that area for ages
  3. I see what you did there. In all seriousness though, i think it's great that they've gotten some international recognition after all this time. Israel aren't really the best people to be listening to in regards to affairs at the west bank (or gaza, but hamas are not exactly great there either) Israeli Authorities are not particularly keen on letting them live there anyway, if they were fine with it, then there wouldn't be a great big wall around the area
  4. People often group politics and religion together as two taboo conversation topics, I think he was just playing it safe. He's not people. SNAP! OW NOW YOU DI'INT!!! but on-topic (or as on-topic as you can be in a thread started by Legend), that video was disturbing, yet highly amusing
  5. congrats guys! and a round of applause for cast! HUZZAH!
  6. Good luck lystad!
  7. Yer not even american, yer from wigan ya tit!
  8. saint row the third - the full package. still on deal on steam, but my bank is being a stingy bastard atm
  9. happy birthday!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. shit, thanks for reminding me. i have to re-install because of my new system. Awesome game
  12. HAHAHAHA, i love that man
  14. This is false, only one of his breasts is larger than yours
  15. Yeah, what i find scariest is that this is seemingly such a common occurence that people seem to continue with what they are doing
  16. hahahahahahahaha
  17. Happy Birthday! Sending some leftover food from my party!
  18. Thank you more people! I had to buy my parents a drink last night, didn't get asked for ID until my third visit.....
  19. I saw this on your facebook! Well Done!
  20. Name: J. Takel Rank: MSgt. Type of issue: Software - DoD:S - Textures Brief Description of Issue: Some pubbers have been complaining of pink screens and/or missing textures for some cabling etc on some maps, since the update. haven't experienced it myself but if someone could take a look at it so we can give a good answer to everyone, that would be good. Apparently, turning off film grain effects fixes it, but having not had the problem, i can't confirm the fix Thanks! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  21. Hey! you're older than me! where's your fucking zimmerframe! Thanks Guys! grant, you have poisoned me forever
  22. really, all i see is a bunch of preaching videos
  23. Bah, George Lucas keeping it would have been just as bad. I think they need to do seperate movies following some of those books if they do anything. marvel style would be good. something a bit like republic commando (I loved that game, Sev rocks)
  24. that is indeed what it is, a brownie with a tealight on top of it. the brownies they make are amazing though
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