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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. So today i ordered lunch from the café at work, and they decided to bring me a cake aswell. Well, kinda a cake check it:
  2. Awwwww, but he was so close to a darwin award!
  3. Takel 1st MRB


    Bad Cast!!! but still, lols welcome back to the cool table!
  5. That is awesome, you are pro. Mini Brown IS best Brown - OFFICIAL
  6. The Netherlands have revoked the ban on tourists smoking marijuana, or at least in amsterdam they have. Not that it matters...
  7. damnit, too many people, sorry guys but McClendon posted first. PMing you now
  8. Guys, i have a spare Crysis 3 alpha key if anyone wants one. first come first serve
  9. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  11. i had some fat bint try to give me head in the bogs at some venue up the valleys. I was having a crap at the time and she burst in (lock was flimsy and just broke). I manage to get out the way and she changes her mind and just throws up in the bowl. Yeah, i think that covers the criteria
  12. I'll try and be there, also will record
  13. agreed. that is exactly how everybody should be posting
  14. oh please tell me you noticed the 'radier'?
  15. waldo? he stands out in a crowd ooohhhhhh, i seee. subtle, very subtle
  16. what the actual fuck was that
  17. Bryant, you better be a fast runner if i find out this isn't true
  18. it's okay, we understand
  19. i dunno, personally it looks like a rushed job with a bunch of stuff just stolen at last minute to capitalise on day z's success. i'll probably look at it more leniently after the alpha has been messed with for a while
  20. Nobody mentioned Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz & Paul? also, In Bruges
  21. Happy Birthday, LEFTenant Colonel Parker, Sir!
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