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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. no i haven't, and it seems my quest still continues.
  2. I got killed by a filthy fucking hacker. i've lost my awesome shit now
  3. Ford, could you change the squad logos to the new ones (now we have 3rd Platoon, instead of 1/3) i can grab em for you if you want?
  4. I'm pretty sure i've seen this on the forums before, and i will say again what i said then. I want it, it looks like a mix between thief and assassins creed (i don't really see much skyrim in it, it's only published by bethesda anyway)
  5. uotafdsuofvauiy HAHAHA
  6. You still use yahoo? words cannot describe how little i think of you right now...
  7. Dayumn!
  8. wow
  9. yeah, sure. to an extent BTW, pro-tip: You will die, a lot, so don't worry about each life too much
  10. yeah, grenoble couldn't afford to keep the server so it's offline now
  11. Happy Birthday Hall Holland
  12. Wait, Parker is Dillon's milkman?
  13. you can remove barbed wire if you have a tool box, just look at one of the inner metal supports and it should give you a prompt to "Remove CAT1" or something
  14. W00t!!!! heli-flying is pretty simple, i'd suggest you use the arma 2 training mission to get familiar with the controls though. keep an eye on the motherfucker!
  15. cast only has a fetish for little toes, so it's not that weird...
  16. that seems like a better plot than half of the horror/thrillers i've seen
  17. the great thing is that the mod is still in alpha and it rocks
  18. What's funny, is it's true for the first day of play
  19. Yes, we are still playing, grenoble, dalton, rather, cast and I play quite often so hit us up.
  20. Rather!! Whatwhat. I whole heartedly concur with this sentiment. Great Felicitations and a glass of dry sherry are in order.
  21. Oh god, he's started posting novelty rock, RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. two parties is such a stupid way to do anything. It's like being given a choice between having an entire cake or not having any cake. what if you only want some of the cake? It's bad enough in the uk that we have only 3 main parties I liked the video, better than the original
  23. It's good! A few things, was the reverb put in afterwards, just that at some points you might want to lower it? also, i think the vocals are a bit quiet/guitar is too loud but that's easy to fix. final two things, one about mic technique and the other about the mic. you need to be consistent with mic distance, you can always compress the vocals on it's way through so it doesn't get too loud. also, try and get a condenser microphone, you get a better sound out of them when recording
  24. Happy Birthday!!
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