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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. I think you two need to decide between yourselves which one of you is changing their name to all caps.
  2. hooooooooleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shiiiiittt
  3. It's funny the amount of reggae fans who adamantly insist that it was bob marley
  4. Happy Birthday dude!
  5. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/558516 just watch it
  6. Guys, if we could keep the replies a little more on the respectful side of things. This is a kid who's parents seem to be bullying him and are kicking him out. You don't just do that because your kid likes some show, that just gets used as ammunition. While i don't really get the whole crab cake enthusiast thing, it's not really the worst thing ever. As for the whole 'getting a job thing' he seems to already have one and has the money taken off of him. He's not asking for much, considering the situation. So if you want to donate, do so. If you don't then don't be a dick in the comments, it doesn't help anyone and really seems quite insulting.
  7. herpy berthder!
  8. Totally on drugs
  9. newest reports are saying that there are only 12 fatalities
  10. CUBASE!!! ABLETON!!!
  11. Yeah, i was hearing about it on the news this morning. I was hoping that no-one here was affected. unfortunately life doesn't work like that. hope your friends recover well gardiner
  12. *sniffle* I'm not *sob* crying
  13. woah, looks like i'm gonna need to change now.
  15. dude, way to take the piss. what a douche
  16. Totally down for that shit
  17. how defiant were you exactly? because i'm almost definitely sure that's not what you meant.
  18. W00t baker, i'm late, but fuck it i was in brecon
  19. Yeah, she's mentioned it to me a few times. You should have seen me and grant getting looks from everyone in cardiff as we walked through Yeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ing
  20. wow ford, just wow
  21. Happy Belated Birthday!
  22. Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
  23. now you'll not have an excuse for why you suck so hard
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