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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday!!! *Insert Image of William Shatner Here*
  2. this is win in it's purest form
  3. i listen to most stuff. rock, hardcore, electronic (dnb, dubstep, big-beat etc), ska, folk, punk, metal, rap(barely), etc etc. not much pop though, but a little.
  4. Firstly, have you tried updating the drivers and all that (sometimes they are not updated) and have you attempted to uninstall any of the random software that will no doubt have been dumped on your computer? Also, what're the specs?
  5. *cutegasm*
  6. I want to go now!!!!
  7. Happy Birthday!!
  8. I'm at a decently high level, it's fun as fuck
  9. Happy Birthday!!
  10. That's true, but the brits would have won if Michael Caine wasn't wearing eyeliner. And anyway, the british empire sucked donkey balls, but so did every other empire
  11. Can't you pick em all? I'm just hoping i can attend even one
  12. Happy Birthday guys!
  13. We always had BODMAS/BIDMAS but it all means exactly the same thing. DM are same priority (resolving left to right) AS are also at the same priority (also resolving left to right)
  14. What was it on before??? Actually, I don't think i want to know.
  15. They look like they're in different modes
  16. i call hax, tate totally put on his invisibility cloak and everyone else was using those self-guiding bullets of many magicks
  17. Happy Birthday, nutters
  18. what a twat
  19. Happy Fuckin Birthday! Can you get gored by unicorns now?
  20. What's it reporting you to the authorities for?
  21. While i'm 50 minutes late in GMT, i suppose it's still your birthday where you are, so Happy Birthday, hope you had a good one mate.
  22. For a second, i just thought it was dawspam in action.
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