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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. if you get one, i'd advise you to avoid leaving anything cooking if you leave the house
  2. that was amazingly awesome
  3. it's a game based off the arma 2 engine, but that's pretty much it, setting is all different though gameplay is similar i understand
  4. wow, what a shitty present. I got this ridiculous looking thing:
  5. White shirty AND tie?! IT'S HERESY I TELL YOU!!! sorry, i couldn't resist
  6. these people obviously are not welsh, shameful
  7. i've got it. currently only 4 guns and some amusing issues with inflatable baseballbats and pipe wrenches but whatever. still fun
  8. *pew pew pew* I think i've found an owner (or maybe 2)
  9. 717 hours. I'd like to be all smug and say it's because I have a life, but I really don't.
  10. Pica Pic, a shitton of handheld retro games to play on the interwebses Enjoy! Edit: Now with link! You happy now you lazy bastards?
  11. And so the fight for one (or both) of Powell's sisters continues!!! THERE ARE 3 OF US, ONLY 1 SHALL SUCCEED just kidding man, good to see you back powell!
  12. Takelmeifter is I I applied for the platoon so long ago i'd forgotten about it! I have bf4 too, so yeah, that
  13. apparently his daughter had moved in with him recently too, pretty shitty thing to happen In other news, 8 people have been killed and 14 others injured in a helicopter crash in glasgow
  14. i think magoo has been having those fantasies about you again stone, something to do with fires and you rushing in to save him.
  15. Thanks guys, my zimmerframe is already on it's way so things are looking good At least i'm not Argentinian.
  16. Typo? I don't make typos, you deserved every wrong letter.
  17. It looks like McDonald doesn't pay attention to the post. the first video has not been posted, the actual video is just reference material for the viewer....
  18. amazingly, not as weird as the actual video
  19. wowwwwww US based?
  20. not a brain cell between them
  21. all of his cred, it vos lost to time. sad
  22. reminds me of this, this guy was in my year at high school. people were afraid of him - until this was discovered "womans, don't cry. Live a life of luuve and emulsion"
  23. is it just me or does that sound pervy... nope, in fact I think there are more cases where it sounds bad than where it makes sense
  24. doesn't load for me either (like play button doesn't work)
  25. just a tad bit bigger robe please... I think a lot bigger would be better
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