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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. dublin is a cool city, the area south of there is awesome aswell
  2. granted, but you are locked in a state of paralysis due to the confusion in your brain of having these new muscles I wish i had a girlfriend...... *SOB* *Hangs self*
  3. oh dude, what's the name of your band. we may have actually ran into each other before!
  4. if you made it to wales, i'd be cool to meet up. not too sure I could make a trip to London during October though
  5. 6/10 - not bad but not anything I haven't heard before by about a trillion of my local bands
  6. did anyone just get an update to DoD:s? I did, and it wasn't a source update. this could mean only one thing Day Of Defeat: Global Offensive
  7. just the one? the power to know how something will taste before taking a bite....
  8. I've just noticed, how does one jizz in her face? like ON i makes sense (physically) but how does IN work? do you slash her with a box cutter first? i mean, if you guys are into that then whatever floats your boat but, urgghhhhh
  9. branem, you ask some weird ass questions. btw, 22 second mark is what you need
  10. I disagree damnit!!!!! there's no way that dog could have been peppersprayed/tased and be subdued by it without doing serious damage. the dog would probably have just come back angrier than he was before. maybe given more time and/or a different environment the dog could have still been alive (e.g. it was tied to a fence post or something) but not in that situation. fuck that shit, i wouldn't want to be that cop, i can tell you
  11. wow barry, just wow. are you working on some sort of assignment at the moment?
  12. I can't be the only one who actually likes this...
  13. there's two things here that bug me. first, of course people don't choose their own sexuality. that's just silly. If I could choose my sexuality then I wouldn't have to worry about subconsciously glancing at women's breasts when it was innapropriate among other things because I could just turn off my straight switch. the second thing though is the confusing one, somebody could not be gay and still fuck a dude. the actual sex is the choice (unless you're a sex addict, don't be a sex addict). so you get people like Neil Patrick Harris who has slept with more women than any of us probably ever will, but he's still gay. and you also get the repressed homosexuals, who attend a high school and spend the entire time worrying if he'll be outed because it seems obvious (to him) that he's gay (one of my best friends was like this throughout high school, none of us knew until he came out but it didn't matter at all). so someone can seem/act straighter than straight, but still be gay and vice versa. Interestingly, it is thought that a really high percentage of homophobes are actually gay but, due to upbringing/religion/societal influences, repress it and end up being literally scared of homophobia because they're afraid they might be one and they've been told it's horrible and 'sinful' or they think they'll be ostracised by their community. funny that. And btw peaker, I think I saw something about men with older brothers being more likely to be gay due to estrogen in the womb (the mother getting 'better' at growing a kid) EDIT: Ahh, here it is: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/dec/0...ty-genetics-usa
  14. Happy Birthday! Don't eat too much cake!
  15. Wow, living the life you badass. that's one hell of a day
  16. ahem, jank. moar? like seriously, she's just your neighbour ye? you sure about that?
  17. surprised this wasn't posted by Brown, you should be ashamed of yourself mate
  18. it's pretty stupid to arm them though, we'll just end up giving guns to the Syrian Taliban/al-Qaeda style group. they're fighting against assad's government too, I mean, at least we didn't train them like we did the Taliban, but still
  19. I didn't get my dad a card, but it's fine. he didn't know it was fathers day
  20. it's out already? pc version or no?
  21. signed 18 more needed for 35,000
  22. razer naga, pretty damn useful actually, just a pity that I can't use the 12 extra buttons as extra buttons (they just bind to other keys, so for instance mine is on as a copy of the numpad with a dpi adjust at the bottom). but hey, stone has a free deathadder, that's totally worth it
  23. Takel 1st MRB


    it would be hardcore brutality ownage, we would eat the other fuckers for breakfast
  24. whhaaaaaat?
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