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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. Is it fate that all 3 of them have birthdays on the same day, considering they are all mad as hatters? Happy Birthdays guys, hope you have good ones
  2. I've had the map ages, it works.
  3. Happy Birthday Guys!
  4. Hello there, Due to the problems with the map materials for dod_v2 (trees and cliff materials being purple 'n' black checkerboard) would it be possible to replace it with dod_v2_b3, which is the same map, just with working materials
  5. Happy Birthday mate!!
  6. Hall should be in here....
  7. Ha Martinez, look who is on the poll (you) and who isn't even though you nominated them (me) !!!!
  8. But only at 1,337. No more, no less
  9. I fell for it last year
  10. Lol, last year's prank caught me out.. It will never happen again comrades!!!
  11. I think it's a physical reaction now, calling Parker "Major"
  12. the oatmeal rocks
  13. Nay, good fellow. the Sarjent of the Technicalities and above are known to all as those Senior to the Officers-without-comission. Now excuse me, i've got to get ready for my date with doris, florence and the rest of their flock.....
  14. Happy Birthday! Your zimmerframe and walking stick are coming in the post.
  16. Granted, you recieve electric shocks at random intervals in order to keep you awake, after a month of this you develop a brain defect which puts you into a state of complete and total paralysis. In this state, you are unable to sleep and unable to communicate in any way. You can only lie there staring at the ceiling while musing about what a stupid idea it was to constantly stay awake. I wish i had something funny/interesting to put as a wish.
  17. SNCO, actually *mumble*insufferablelittleprick*mumble*
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. I'm not sure what you mean by that Cast, but i'm pretty sure i don't like it. Tune, the terrorists are everywhere. If you're flight isn't terrorised then i called them off, only to attack you in a different way. Who knows, I might put a hit out on you just so you have to watch your back at all times. I could even get you imprisoned and put in a cell next to a really big, muscly 'roid junkie (like richards) convicted of sex crimes and on at least 17 different sex offenders registers who's feeling "Awful lonely" and really just wants a "bit of company" as he's got terrible arthritis in his hands.......
  20. Granted, home is where the heart is, and you just had a cardiac arrest. I wish i won the lottery and was given 10 million British Pounds Sterling.
  21. I fail to see the candelabra...
  22. Oh! Powell, what's your sister's number mate? does she think long hair is sexy? On a more serious note, where'd you get the tights in the first pic?
  23. BooHooW00t!!!!
  24. I dare you to start that shit in a welsh pub or, in fact, anywhere in Wales. BTW, stop TakelBaiting, it's way too fun.
  25. Berg is the swedish national champion shit-swimmer. He is loved by all in his country, the only reason shit-swimming is not an olympic sport is because there would be no competition - they might as well give him the gold medal before the competition starts.
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