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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. Where do you find such utter toss bickford?
  2. Enjoy yourself, you crazy bastard!
  3. just make sure you pronounce the words, unlike van morrison
  4. Is that a rare MOOG-42? OMG i think it isĀ¬!!
  5. Can anyone get a hold of skip for another voice actor? Also, Yager, I'd love to be involved. It'll be fun.
  6. Ha[[y Birthday cevasco's older brother!
  7. Takel 1st MRB


    Good Job Peaker! Hope it all goes swimmingly for you!
  8. Name: =LNX=HaVoC Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:1554615 Reasons for the Ban:Revenge TK from an accidental tw Recommended duration of ban: 1 week+ Demo Provided?: N
  9. OUCH!!!! I've got a scar on my knee from when i was younger that's shaped like a T...... T for Tosser but still My grandad had a shrapnel wound in his leg from ww2 that he could put his finger in, it was not overly pleasant.
  10. My god, i could almost hear the sounds of keys typing "fat guy" into google
  11. "I'm Swedish, so I'm dumb" - Elf
  12. What is this? Craigslist lonely hearts? Oh god, i'm said to say this guy is from the UK. I thought we killed off our idiots a while ago in the big dult purge (1874).
  13. YES!!!! This just made my morning! and shooting some of the photos yesterday made my evening!
  14. Lol. no wonder you browse the net in work
  15. Gio, I worry about you.
  16. Nice edit! It's quite funny how you can have such long clips throughout this video.
  17. So, berg's a catholic priest. That explains a lot Logue, you look like you were drunk, somehow. I just can't put my finger on it.
  18. Correct forum section to use is this one
  19. Takel 1st MRB


    Why you consider resign? BAD LOGSDON! We don't have a activity requirement anyways, so weekend soldiering is still allowed! (last i checked anyway, i'm not counting practices btw) Welcome back though mate!
  20. Maines, are the voices in your head getting restless again?
  21. way too many holy shit moments for one video, but oh well
  22. Happy birthday!
  23. I don't, but i do listen to reggae.
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