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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. The Anti-Counterfieting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has been passed without debate into discussion in european parliament by the EU council. They got it through by sticking it on the tail-end of an agriculture and fishery meeting. Article Here I just hope for all our sakes that they don't pull a fast one up you guys' way and push SOPA/Protect IP through on christmas day while everyone's out
  2. Holy Instructional Video Branem!
  3. During one of the practices on forest realism (preparing for the match against 164te LAD) I made a shovel then pistol kill that somebody said they'd recorded. What happened to it, I'd like to see it for no real reason other than to know if it was as stupid as i remember.
  4. Does gravity work differently in finland then?
  5. I play, but not much, i tend to mod the shit out of it and play for a few hours before leaving it an age. I recommend OptiFine and the Smart Movement mod, the first massively improves the game's framerate and the second adds in some things that in all honesty should be in vanilla MC. i used to have a bukkit server going that i'd turn on to play with friends, but then i took an arrow to the knee minecraft got updated and i haven't been bothered to re-download the server software and the mass of mods i had installed
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Nice one!
  8. I'm Jake, I'm 17 and I'm an alcoholic......... (sorry, couldn't resist) I live in Cardiff, Wales, UK and am currently in college, studying Physics, Maths and Welsh Baccalaureate (a.k.a an amzingly boring waste of time) I'm currently unemployed as jobs are pretty scarce around here. I speak English, french to GCSE standard (e.g. hardly any) and a bit of welsh, but not much. My interests are Music (i play both piano and drums and am learning melodeon) and i am hoping to take either Lighting Design and Technology, Live event technology, sound engineering or computer games development in university. I also do parkour and mountain biking when the weather's nice enough (can't in the rain, and there's enough of that here)
  9. I've been to (excluding UK): France a few times (both the northern area and the southern area, they're like two completely different countries) been to America (minneapolis) for about an hour on the way to.... Canada, which is amazing. I want to go to: Canada again, haven't been for many years. Ireland, because why not The scandinavian countries and the baltic countries Russia (no idea why, would just be fun) Nigeria, Rwanda and South Africa Japan Tibet Australia New Zealand Still not sure if i have enough here though
  10. Use SteamTool It's been really useful for me as i've started filling up space on my D\ drive and wanted to haev my stuff on my other drive without having to re-download anything, it makes use of the NTFS junctions and basically means you have steam installed over two hard-drives but it still works as one. It should automatically find the steam folder and then you create a folder that you want the gamefolders to be stored in and you choose one click "move to storage" and click "start" and it'll do the rest for you, updates still work and the game will still play as normal.
  11. Great game is great. Payday is a shittonne of fun, unfortunately i'm waiting for the graphics options patch because my pc has muchos problemos running it atm but a simple change of resolution and using lower quality textures would fix it. Unfortunately the patch is supposedly still in QA testing, so i can but wait till it comes out.
  12. Don't start that shit here, dirty motherfucker!
  13. As strong as it's made, black, no sugar. Same for tea, I can't stand the taste of sugar or milk in either if them.
  14. HOLY SHIT, WTF. you have enough guns there mate?
  15. Tate, you remember what i said about the name usage yesterday, i shoulda added "nor if it's anything to do with me acting a spaz" jk, nice vid dude!
  16. are you replying to yourself here? The Occupy movement could do a lot more about what it's protesting if it started sending masses of letters and phonecalls. It could be called the "Occupy important people's mailboxes and answer-phones movement" (Occupy I.P.M.A.P for short)
  17. 1. A life 2. A life 3. A new drum kit ( a good one) 4. New cymbals 5. A new (good) computer 6. Real life friends 7. A life 8. A job 9. A shit-tonne of money 10. A life 11. " 12. " 13. I think you can guess from here on!
  18. this is just a small demo taken, old surehand was getting up to avalanches bridge before any axis were. I still am unable to upload my demo. I popped back into spectate to record a quick demo before i banned him and i got a few. He's moving too fast for too long for him to be sprinting most of the time.
  19. Name:Old Surehand Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:12815545 Reasons for the Ban:Speedhacking Demo Provided?: Y http://www.mediafire.com/?e64ob5lldab353f recorded by ultranator I've also recorded a demo, but i seem unable to upload it at the moment Comments:Ultranator alerted me to this guy who seemed to be getting places really fast in the previous map (e.g. getting to second his enemies second flag within seconds of a round starting). I took a look on the next map when i noticed the same thing, i asked ultranator if this was the guy he was talking about before and i had a look. took a short demo then perma-banned. Strangely, he doesn't seem to be very good with his hacks and he's not a very good shot either but the speedhack seemed pretty obvious and he wasn't too subtle about it. Either way, he's not getting back on anytime soon. Posting as evidence in case of an appeal.
  20. As some of you know, it was my birthday the other week and as such i was paid in hardly earned cash. Because I am currently not a rich man, i cannot afford to buy a pc so i decided i would just buy a keyboard and mouse. I decided to buy a Logitech G110 gaming keyboard and a Razer Naga, so far I'm loving them. After paying over £100 for them (£100.07 to be exact) i was expecting quality but these are brilliant. the g110 has an extra 12 keys that can be programmed for macros etc and has a media key set with a really cool volume scroll bar. Oh, and it glows. I currently have Macro 1 set so that it glows an evil red, Macro 2 set so it glows a cool blue and macro 3 set on hot pink (cause, basically, why the fuck not). this lets me know at a glance which set i am on, which is helpful. Now, onto the mouse. Overall, it's ridiculous. It has 17 buttons (mouse 1, mouse 2, scrollwheel click, forward/backward keys and a 12 button thumb grid) and the sensitivity goes up to a massive 5600 dpi, basically, on this setting, a few centimeters movement of the mouse will cause my cursor to travers the entire screen. and it goes all the way down to 100 dpi, which means that the cursor travels like a fucking snail. I can also adjust this "on the fly" so i can, in-game, change my sensitivity from 100 to 5600 in the blink of an eye. Which is nice. Finally, my newfound respect formazon and the royal mail. As i chose the free delivery option i was told to not expect these items to be delivered until monday 28 yet somehow they arrived only a day after they dispatched. so i didn't have to wet myself in anticipation! So, any good/bad experiences anyone had with their mouse/keyboard/retailer of the previous?
  21. I fucking hate you branem I'm still on the lookout for the next mau5trap tour to see if there are any i can make
  22. My friend sleepwalked back to his house on the night of another friends birthday party, we noticed the front door was open and my friend was halfway to his house by then (only like a miles walk but still). We woke him up
  23. Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy
  24. pretty staggering stuff isn't it
  25. The minecraft community is terrible, think of it as COD fanboys on a BF3 forum but times by 10 to the power of immaturity.
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