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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. Name:2 girls 1 cup baby Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:536306 Reasons for the Ban:Intential TK/TW Recommended duration of ban:1 Month + Demo Provided?: N Comments: Repeatedly attacked a few people but not beyond what seemed accidental until he knifed at least one person in spawn before disconnecting. Got told by victims that the previous ones had been deliberate just after his disconnect.
  2. arsed is bothered will add some Caaaaarrrdifff slang later!
  3. Close, but not qute, i was outside at the time. Have you ever outrun a police officer/security guard who was trying to apprehend you for some bullshit charge (e.g. vandalism, disorderly conduct etc, in my case for doing parkour)
  4. Any news on any recorded "higher-level" laughs?
  5. I lol'd, then my head started hurting...
  6. Good work once again. Unfortunately, septmeber, but it's an easy typo to overlook so it doesn't matter, and i get much bigger kicks from reading the typos in big newspapers etc
  7. Correction: H4X0r nUB!! the real question is, wtf is the point? He's just showing off. but still, nice shot
  8. Congrats dude! Get working on those 'dad' phrases!
  9. my grandad was a sapper in the royal engineers, he was carrying out surveys behind enemy lines so that the army had maps of the area. A mortar landed near him one time and some shrapnel got in his leg, he had a hole in his leg he used to stick his finger in to gross us out. Also, during one survey, his lookout spotted a panzer on patrol so they hid in a nearby bush until the panzer had passed them on the road about 10 meters away before crawling back to base to stay out of sight, according to him, this kind of thing often happened.
  10. that's because it was released a while ago, and the gameplay is brilliant so shut up
  11. I have it, haven't played online yet though, i tried during beta and got raped
  12. Anyone have this game, it's a lot of fun and if youi don't you should get it. I may/may not be hosting a server every now and again.
  13. lulz. Oh Ford...
  14. European Tour: - England to make fun of their police state. - Scotland and Ireland to load up on booze to send home - France because I have to. Why fly when you can take the train or drive? - Switzerland, buy an actual awesome Swiss Army knife - Germany for the booze and culture - Poland to visit Pope John Paul II's homeland - Then to Italy and the Vatican What, no Wales? tosspot.
  15. so i was trawling through the forums just now and found a quote by Parker about restrictions, it goes like this: "Restrictions make us great at what we do, they make us ruthless in realisms, they make us a better player, they make us appreciate the small things and they make us who we are in this game" I for one can never really explain the reason for restrictions very well (not that i don't know them, just thati suck at putting thoughts into words) so if you have the same problem and you get asked the reasons why, just say that.
  16. thank you for reminding me the reason i bought these headphones
  17. what a wanker, i know people who can draw better with their feet!
  18. is this the official birthday or the unofficial birthday? Either way, happy birthday!
  19. you didn't mention "kabababear", but you don't mention the lgbt part of your life do you?
  20. "video not available in your country due to a copyright claim from emi" fucking tosspots
  21. Happy birthday, sorry i'm late saying it, been out
  22. you need to create the folders as they are in your game cache file download GCFscape to open up the gcf and see where it takes you i think it's like day of defeat: source/dod/materials/models/weapons/v_models
  23. happy birthday!
  24. nice going, hope to see you in a big movie some day too!
  25. Just heard about this on the news, fucking hell. I hope no relatives of zahl and turtle were there. Holy shit how the fuck can anyone, even an extremist, think that murdering that many people without reason is fine
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