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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. Can someone move this madman's ravings to the slope chute? Stone, are you seeing a psychiatrist by any chance? If so, could you try to get your medication doubled?
  2. Collectively or separately?
  3. why would jones be the only person to know about this As far as i'm aware they are not
  4. Happy Birthday mate!
  5. Yama for Prime Minister!!
  6. Already have it. It's an awesome game
  7. The Swarm
  8. Berg has passed on the Nollijj to me, the problem is sorted.
  9. I am unable to exit the admin menu (by pressing 0 for Exit). I can navigate it fine (well relatively fine, there is the small factor of me) but when i try to close the menu, it does not work. Am i doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
  10. This has to be a joke right? Right? Holy shit, the whole "minecraft is a game about christianity" thing had me cracking up. I'm gonna say that this is a parody site (please say it is, please).
  11. O RLY?
  12. no, apparently we are allowed to trade with each other, wear hats etc etc etc AKA just enough so that there is no big riot
  13. MEGGA LULZEZ! where do you find these things brown, and don't say "the internet"
  14. Name:Ganjaboy Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:10584974 Reasons for the Ban:Teamkilling + Teamkilling upon leaving the server Recommended duration of ban:Officer's discretion Demo Provided?: N Comments: I was informed of a teamkiller by Pvt. Krug. Apparently ganjaboy entered the server while on dod_flash and proceeded to kill roughly 5 of his teammates then killed two more in spawn before leaving the server. I am posting the ban request on behalf of Pvt. Krug.
  15. I was wondering how they were going to quell the bitchin from us people who paid real actual money for it.
  16. Ah, thanks, i forgot about that link, been a while since i downloaded the full repertoire
  17. Is there a list of the maps available to play on the private server? I can't find it but then i could be blind.
  18. I'd like to add that I asked him to change the spray but i got no response (this was through steam), so he was warned
  19. I would if i could create a frickin account
  20. thanks for this kirk, i missed it on iPlayer (the bbc on demand thing dontcha know) watching nowwwwww
  21. naaawwwwwwww, why so late...... hope you have fun
  22. Hope you have a good one mate!
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