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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. Penblwydd Hapus, Worsham!
  2. sweet! Good choice of song as well dude!
  3. Boutton you beast! LOL!!
  4. I spoke to parker yesterday about it, his reasons for keeping it at 24 seem fair, it was just an idea to make medic mod more in keeping with the HUD.
  5. Thanks, I wasn't too sure myself but figured i'd post anyway as you guys have better eyes for these things. There were a few parts (like with the MG set up in the crack facing 2nd Axis) where i felt may have been suspicious but i realise that it's not hard to guess where someone will be if allies have taken that flag. (avalanche is the map, i think?) Thanks for your time Sir.
  6. What you should have said...
  7. I hope by golf you mean mini-golf!
  8. I'm pissed i missed it now. DAMN MY FAMILY
  9. Abbate, that was quick!
  10. damn, sorry, i'll try to fix it now http://www.mediafire.com/?l8ptor6lb1e3efx demo 2 i tried editing the original post but it still posted the first URL twice
  11. Name: Pfc. Warren [506th PIR] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:9696430 Reasons for the Ban: Wallhack (possibly) Recommended duration of ban: permanent if proved Demo Provided?: Y http://www.mediafire.com/?b9uicp92zo2f22e demo 1 http://www.mediafire.com/?b9uicp92zo2f22e demo 2 (don't know how useful this is) Other Comments: Unsure of this, talked to elf and jones. Warren had an extremely high k/d ratio so we decided to spec him. k/d at time of arising suspicions: 88/25
  12. only to someone not from the UK does that sound like Jones
  13. Well said that man! I don't see why this man shouldn't be locked up for aiding the enemy.
  14. Is it possible to raise the maximum yealth to medic with up to include 25, this is because at 25 the health bar goes red and when you get on 25 and under its a case of next shot and your dead, it would mean thay we could know for definite whether we can heal by checking what colour is inthe health bar (red meaning heal time, for definite) It can get irritating when mid game you get shot, you try to heal and you are on 25 health buy the health bar is red, then you get shot again and die If this change is not possible or will not happen, may i atleast know the reason please? Sorry aboit errors, on my ipod.
  15. Ford! how are you. Lol, you're right, justin beiber IS a lesbian!
  16. VIKTURR YOU BEAUTY!!!!? we missed you <3
  17. Don't spoil it, sir! Where's the fun in making everyone's life that little bit easier?
  18. Raise her well arms, or at least, try to raise her well.
  19. nice dude, i'll have a look when i'm not doing my coursework!
  20. Yet another fucking awesome newsletter! How do you guys do it?
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