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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. that is your only comment legend? wow
  2. happy birthday!
  3. bad gardner, you dun goofed
  4. actually, yes we can. Firstly, it's wiki article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_People's_Cube, here's a short excerpt: "The People's Cube is a U.S. based satirical conservative website that was launched April 1, 2005, as a sequel to Communists for Kerry." the way you linked it as fact just shows that it's good satire. googling 'communist sue obama' brings up a few results about a chinese company who were looking to sue obama about some wind farms - the articles mention the companies projected profits after speaking to their chairman at the communist party congress in china. It does bring up two results that follow your URL; your URL and a blog that has copy/pasted that entire article into their own site. as for the Norman Thomas quote, well... http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/socialism.asp
  5. How'd you get all those skins? mod?
  6. seek psychiatric assistance immediately
  7. that boy needs therapy!
  8. you're asking a bunch of people on the internet the right way to take a girl out so you can guarantee a minimum of a handjob? i seriously hope this girl doesn't know about our forums, or you've already blown it.... quick tip though: don't choose any kind of greasy finger food place (a la KFC/McDonalds) because greasy food can bring out spots. judging by your post, i'm guessing you probably don't want to deal with spotty greasy balls. i'd think you'll need to cover a few things though. food is a good one to include (can even be the date in itself) maybe some sort of distraction/entertainment (gig, movie, art gallery, robbing a bank, performing brain surgery etc) & drinks at a club/pub afterwards maybe. i mean, the quickest way to get to your goal (legally, and i must stress the legally bit) would be to go to a party at some friend/friendofafriend's house and just get drunk and possibly stoned. it gets to a point where people just pick their preference and wake up wondering what the fuck happened and what the fuck is your name (oh my god she/he is disgusting i don't want to know what happened actually thank you very much). But i'm guessing that if you've been seeing this girl already that the above situation is not preferable so i'd just stick with the usual. get some food, go for drinks, go to the movies whatever. usual shit. horror movies are good as long as she gets scared by them as you get the opportunity to get a bit closer and more intimate without being a creepy motherfucker . don't go any further than handholding/cuddling though, she'll just think you're trying to feel her up/ take advantage of her.
  9. is it bad that i looked at it for ages to see how it worked, looks pretty damn clever if it's real
  10. love how your little gif guys were headbanging along throughout the eentire thing
  11. is it just me, or is the rocket sound at the end of the chorus from the HL2 rpg launcher?
  12. is this guy auditioning for the third guy in the bill & ted prequel?
  13. by survivalist are we talking about one of those idiots who somehow thought that while the apocalypse was going to happen, they would still live and so prepared to survive afterwards (yet not exactly preparing for every scenario)? either way, i doubt he wants to harm the kid now beyond trying to arrange a some sort of leniency when he does finally leave his bunker. Hopefully, he'll realise he's stuck in there with no way out except one surrounded by cops and give up when he finally comes to terms with the futility of his actions. Either that or he's digging a tunnel to escape from. at the core of it, everything is arguably political in a way. i'd be surprised if some news channels, lobbyists and politicians haven't already gone there. you mention he shot the bus driver, i would not find it hard to see both pro and anti gun-control activists using this as a case study to promote their own agendas. i can just see pro-controllees (new word from the dictionary of my arse) saying this is proof that there should be regulations to get rid of guns entirely and anti-controllees saying it's proof that every school and school bus needs ex-special forces personnel as security and all children should be given m16s from birth.
  14. I wish my grandad was still alive. QQ seriously though, it would be great if any of my parents did this but they are seriously opposed to ever touching vehicles. I still get the 'It's just (insert ancient game like doom or wolf here) but better looking' off my dad and i'm like 'srsly? are you taking the piss?' and he's not. He just sees gun and things being shot at with gun and his head goes 'wasn't there a robot hitler in this game?'
  15. I would contest this. as has been pointed out before, the USA is a unique country and is much larger than other countries (examples in this thread being Canada, UK and Japan). Using switzerland as an example is not even sensible on this. Switzerland treats guns massively differently, their populace is educated differently about them and the methods for ownership are different (must be 18+, hold a permit and can only own up to 3 weapons. fully automatic and select fire weapons are banned entirely and concealed carrying is illegal). Also, to obtain a gun permit the person must have no history of mental illness and no criminal record. Their last 'mass shooting' was in 2001, when a man killed 14/15 people and injured roughly the same again after opening fire inside a local government building. also, their overall gun crime rate per 100,000 people is only %10 of what it is in the US. So even comparing the US to switzerland, there's a long way to go.
  16. ummmm, ok. btw, what does NSWF stand for? No Stapling Wild Foxes?
  17. Whatever Brown, your spelling is still appalling. NONREADING - I'm pretty sure the word is 'illiterate' but this should still say 'non-reading' COMPATENT - Competent CUDDELY - Cuddly IMPREGNANTE - Impregnate its - it's Yes, the spelling police have arrived. Nee Naw, motherfuckers.
  18. Just a quick question as i don't live in the US and cba googling (also i want to hear your opinions). But does the US have any kind of gun licence akin to a driving licence (basically so you can only own/use a firearm if you can prove you know how to use it responsibly)? I'd just like to know, because i'm seeing the insurance argument but nothing about anykind of licencing.
  19. Who you calling broken? there's nothing wrong with oranges!
  20. you mean, the socks used to be there but they evaporated because of your manky feet? i wear shoes in my own home and don't really take them off till i'm settled and don't need to put them on again for a while. I do ask when entering other people's houses though
  21. that was at least 20 times better than any wildlife program i've ever seen
  22. oh, i want to punch him all the time. just watch any video you see of him speaking, he's like that all the fucking time
  23. this is the music video for the title track from my band's debut album! don't worry, you're allowed to laugh. we are shitcore after all. Breakdown Face, we even have an urban dictionary definition! yes, you can buy the album, if you insist...
  24. i'll play, just ask me!
  25. engle, was your childhood okay? is there anything you want to say? don't worry, you're among friends here. jones did a really great allied skin pack based off of some of wile e coyotes skins, you can download them from the ordnance office (i edited them because i felt the colours were a bit weird, the download is there somewhere but you need to dl jones first). they've got MRB badges, rank and everything (epic as fuck). I also made some skins for the TNT, they're blue with the raider badge on (the skull and stars one). totally non-realistic since i've never seen any blue ww2 explosive ordnance but i thought they were pretty cool at the time! I use version 9 of Insanes hud/gui mod, a shit ton better than the standard hud (especially if you have a smaller screen like i did for a bit)
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