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Takel 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Takel 1st MRB

  1. gotta love vice, their bit on the north korean labour camps were good
  2. You got it! Nice one, wouldn't want you to lose that winning streak of job apps. Take care of yourself, make sure you come back without more family members to worry about and everything still intact
  3. he looks kinda dissapointed
  4. Takel 1st MRB


    In Bruges, A trainee hitman and his mentor hide out in an historic belgian city after a grim outcome to a botched assassination. Full of black humour and swearing, one of my favourite movies ever. Starring Colin Farrel & Brendan Gleeson
  5. ohhh, here comes the friend request pity acceptance, again
  6. lol, they even stole their terms and conditions from League of Legends
  7. yerrr, happy new year!
  8. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/the-war-z yes, a 1.2 user rating 1point motherfucking2
  9. brown, wtf? I knew the second i saw the title in the slope chute that this was going to be a joke or something but i did not expect this! Full of surprises (that's not necessarily a good thing)
  10. I know it was Logue's birthday, but who's Louge? Happy Birthday!
  11. yerrrrrrr! brown thought you might appreciate it!
  12. merry frikkin christmas (regardless of what you bellieve in) and a happy new year, just try not to throw up too much
  13. you've got to give steam credit for making it really easy for server owners during updates.....
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. i really have to try to kill you with a bike now, Grant will explain when he can.
  16. seems clear now, hasn't crashed for over an hour
  17. Me and jock are on stary south side atm after getting an l85 back (jock is greedy man, we were about to give some guy a lift and jock goes "he has a thermal! Firing!" boom) We're pretty bad people i guess
  18. It's what i've done, to at least this evening - knowing him he'll say no but it's worth a try. fell asleep at my desk last night so i didn't finish.
  19. So today, after a mad rush to finish work on sunday night (which then made me ill for monday) i decided to check and print off my work to finally hand in wednesday (now, technically today). However, 1 corrupted file and 1 other phantom file means i now have roughly 6 hours to complete an entire 2,500 word (min) assignment along with evidence and statistics. Is it even possible?
  20. the problem you are having is that you are starting the game up as vanilla (dayz not enabled). I would suggest using DayZ Commander until play withsix sorts their shit out. has a server browser, downloads for the mod (updated very quickly after dayz update) and for the extra maps and is pretty simple to use. it also launches the mod for you properly (double click a server to join it) here: http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  21. hello? Social Services? Yes, i'm phoning with some information....
  22. HAHAHAHAHA, oh she must really like perrone right now... to be brained with a shovel
  23. there's a military barracks about 5/10 mins away from my house, i would hope that they would respond pretty quickly (e.g. they have weapons, vehicles and ammo on site) if not, then i'm sure there are ways to get in and hide in an APC or a tank or some shit
  24. loved goldeneye, downloaded it for the N64 emulator i have but the controls don't work well unless you have an n64 controller
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