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About Metzger

  • Birthday 06/12/1990

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  • Location
    San Diego, CA

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  1. I would much rather have the risk vs. reward of capitalism vs. the dreary serfdom of socialism.
  2. grammar fail. derp. But yeah I win the noble prize every year. That is one of the many I have.
  3. One of my heros. He is the reason I am a Libertarian, a Nobel Prize winner, and one of the smartest men born to this earth in my humble opinion. What do you guys think? If you have no idea who I am talking about, scope that link.
  4. Metzger

    Glenn Beck

    I like Mr. Beck, I think that he is an intelligent man that has opinions that I also have. He is not a fear monger, he is better than O'Reilly and Limbaugh at least. He believes in the governance of self and in the ideals that the United States were founded upon. Calling him a fear mongering right wing nazi is like calling Obama an extremist muslim. He is simply exposing the lies and deceit that the Obama administration are spreading to further their socialist take over of America. Good day.
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