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Hudson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Hudson 1st MRB

  1. Thanks everyone. Much appreciated!
  2. Looks like fun. Glad you are having a good time with it.
  3. Happy Birthday my friend. Drink a lot.
  4. Same here. Playing yesterday was fun.
  5. I first saw them on the Sing Off. IF you guys have never seen it, you should watch it if you like acapella. It come back for Season 4 in December. I am a big acapella fan.
  6. http://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/fallen-soldier-213011521.html Read the article if you get a chance. It's a man's moving account of being on the same flight as a fallen soldier. God bless all who serve and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
  7. Saw the Book of Mormon musical last night. Funny as all hell. Worth every penny. Has anyone else seen it? If you are a fan of south park, you will like it. Although they are not the sole creators, you can definitely see their influence. I highly recommend it if you get the chance. Hasa Diga Eebowa!
  8. That's great. An y very true. I have played 7 of those 10 games. And they are all hard.
  9. Hooray to this badass lady.
  10. I'm running with the s3 as well. Upgraded from the iPhone 4. Had an iPhone since Generation 1 before switching. I won't go back. The iPhone is too small and I love the versatility of the S3 and of Android. The iPhone does feel tiny when I pick one up now. But that is just me. Maybe I will rock the new Note. Ginormo phone!
  11. I will always remember where I was that day. Godspeed to everyone who perished that day. The local firefighters here in Denver are doing their Floor Climb tribute in our building, climbing the floors their brothers weren't able too. It's awe-inspiring. *Salute*
  12. My buddy and I are looking to play Payday 2 tonight around 8-9 EST. If anyone is interested, just message me on steam and we can figure it out. Much more fun with people you know and with mics. Bank job bitches!
  13. Name: Mopi Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:59039302 Duration of Ban: Perm (Please change to 1 month) Reasons for the Ban: Massive TK. Scored was -10 Demo Provided?: N Comments: Did not know we didn't perma ban for TK anymore, please fix length of ban.
  14. I can't believe you came back and edged me like that engle. Scored over 800 points and still lost. Ugh. Oh well. Always next week and I'm having fun so who cares. Off to a bad start this week so we will see.
  15. This is nuts. I've driven through this town so many times I can't count. I've been exactly where that picture was taken. It's a neat little town between Waco and Dallas that's been there for years. My heart goes out to these people. Just crazyness.
  16. Love that reaction. Realize it's all good natured and give it back and the fans will respect you even more. The injury bug has definitely been nuts so far this year. Hopefully some of these guys will make it back pretty soon.
  17. Part of the problem with that is there are pitches the computer would call strikes that do not look like strikes when watching them. I.E the hard breakers that technically might hit the bottom of the zone, but the pitch bounces before the catcher gets it. Hell, you could throw a floater that technically crosses the zone, but no one in their right mind would call a strike. I umpire HS ball and at the varsity level, it is almost as much about how good the catcher makes it look as well as where the pitch is. If that catcher frames that inside pitch, I will give it to him, but if a bad catcher is jerking the glove or slapping at the ball, he's not getting it. The batters could adjust I guess to anything touching a given zone being called a strike, but that is not the way the pitches are seen currently. I guarantee you if you polled the majority of players, and asked if they wanted a computer calling balls and strikes, the NO's would win. I'm not saying it is the human element argument. The whole "it's the history of the game" nonsense, but I bet most players would want to have umpires calling the pitches.
  18. Was a close matchup last week for me too. Gonna be a fun year.
  19. I know what you mean Zorbo. I am a huge Rangers fan and was watching that last night and couldn't believe it either. The umpire's zone was fairly tight all night as well. I'll take it, but we definitely got a gift to get out of that game like that. Tonight we get to see what our 5th starter can do. It's definitely a crap shoot.
  20. Didn't see it in the scoring list. Thanks.
  21. Just sucks he decided to learn to hit AFTER he left the Rangers
  22. I know. I was more poking fun. But 50 sounds good to me. Sucks a no hitter isn't in there as well. As long as the crappy ass Angels keep losing, I am happy.
  23. Oh yes. I predicted Yu would have a break out season. I was so upset he didn't pull off the perfect. But congrats to him for taking it in stride. And anyone who plays the astros should be excited. 43 k's in a 3 game series. Yikes. I think a Perfect Game should be worth more than 20 bonus point in pitching. I mean, a save is 15. You should just get like 200 points for a perfect game, almost guaranteed to win that week, because how often does it happen Gonna be a fun season gents. And I think Toronto will be fine. Just will take some time to gel.
  24. Well. My Rangers laid an egg on day 1. But Yu takes the mound tonight and will be filthy I predict. Long season yet. And I think my fantasy team will suck, rough start.
  25. This is gonna be awesome, just like last year. Get ready to be beat down. That is all.
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