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Hudson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Hudson 1st MRB

  1. I'm down to do it again. It was a lot of fun last time. hudson_neo@yahoo.com
  2. This looks like it could be fun for a change. My buddy has a server and we just build fun stuff on it.
  3. Awesome job guys. That was hilarious.
  4. That......looks terrible. Bad Ultranator Bad!
  5. Saints and Soldiers? Are ya Mormon Xiong? There Will Be Blood is definitely right there Shawshank Redemption Bull Durham
  6. I've heard the White Elephant is cool. It's a local landmark for sure. Glad you are having fun.
  7. Glad you are enjoying my home state. I am in Fort Worth now myself, but grew up in Austin and lived in Houston for 5 years. There is definitely something to see in every city and tons of history here. Austin is a beautiful town, crowded as hell, but everyone wants to live where it's pretty right?
  8. Sweet. I was wondering my my computer was doing this as well. No problems lately though.
  9. Name:Pvt. Parts [1337th RB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:8868505 Reasons for the Ban:TK'd a bunch of ppl then fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: Month to Permanent. This guy is banned from the 6th RB server as well. Demo Provided?: N. Multiple 1st MRB members were present. Peurala, Coogan, etc.
  11. Good luck to you Gris. I remember fondly my days in HS football. go get that ring.
  12. Name: KOL Cruentus Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:978580 Duration of Ban: PERM Reasons for the Ban: Multiple TK's. kicked, then he came back and did it again Demo Provided?: N Comments: Pfc. Balian was there as well. I was unable to post this to the archives.
  13. Hudson 1st MRB


    Flame of Recca Rurouni Kenshin Neon Genesis Evangelion All very good series. Eva is still my all time favorite.
  14. Thanks to all who have or will serve. It is never forgotten.
  15. Lol. I'll make sure and do that tonight Marsden.
  16. Marsden, Thanks a lot for the gift. I will check tonight to see if it came through. You're my hero
  17. I'll take one That would be awesome
  18. Just applied for a beta code. Looks interesting. I loved the old school mechwarriors.
  19. That's pretty interesting stuff to me being a petroleum engineer. It's incredible what new innovations my industry comes up with. My company doesn't do anything in that area, but still, good find and explanation of the process.
  20. That's awesome, Mad respect for the time and dedication to be an author. I'd be interested in a short synopsis of the book as well. Oh, and a signed first edition would be kick ass.
  21. Happy birthday col.!
  22. band geek here for sure. That was hilarious. Band's always get to have a good time. Thanks for sharing that Ultra.
  23. I agree that there has been bullshit calls going both ways. I have no allegiance to either team, there were definitely calls on both sides that sucked. The ones at the end of the game were pretty bad though. 1. The roughing the passer that negated the packers interception. 2. The defensive pass interception against shields on the ball down the left sideline was horrible. It was offensive pass interference or nothing at all. 3. And the play in the end zone. Jennings definitely had possession, he was between tate and the ball. I do agree that it was the packers fault for being in that position in the first place, but the officials should have gotten together on that last play. Unacceptable that the referee didn't go down and confer with the officials making the calls.
  24. What a ridiculous ending to that game. Horrrible call. Way too many flags. Just horrible. They need to get this sovlved. Hard to blame the replacements. Yhey are in over their heads.
  25. It's a fantastic multiplayer game. Drop in drop out sandbox type environment. My friend and I played the shit out of it. It is worth it, not sure what they want for it.
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