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Hudson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Hudson 1st MRB

  1. I will follow it more closely, I am still getting used to the system, I have never played fantasy BB before. Sorry Engle.
  2. I was watching that game Engle. I laughed my ass off when I saw that. I wuv YUUUU!!
  3. I'll give you that Dillon. Feliz has always owned the Mariners. It will be interesting to see if he can have good success against a scary lineup. I do like Safeco field. My parents live in Portland and I try and make it to a game if they are playing when I visit. How many more years do you think ichiro has in him? And I have to say Beavan pitched really well against a tought lineup. Tough way to take a loss.
  4. Zorbanos, I live in Houston now, been here about 5 years, lived in Dallas for 2 years after graduating from A&M. But I was born and raised in the Austin area. We get up to Dallas fairly often cause of the in-laws, definitely looking forward to catching a few games this year if possible. Feliz for the Rangers looked as good as advertised last night. 7 innings of shut out ball in his first major league start. Hopefully the Sox turn it around and can find a groove, I like the Sox as well, one of my top 5 faves. And fuck the Yankees.
  5. The rangers. Been watching them for as long as I can remember. That happens when you grow up in Texas though. Very happy to have some good years from them after so many bad ones. It's gonna be a good season.
  6. Have a good one fellers!
  7. Feliz cumpleanos!
  8. Well done. School is super important. It allows you to get a good job which allows you to buy a computer and play DOD with us wonderful peoples. But seriously, congrats man. Good grades and working hard will get you far in life.
  9. Welcome to the party gents! Good to see so much new blood!
  10. My friend and I built an underwater glass dome once. I will have to see if he still has that world. It took a while. Otherwise we have built towers, cliffside castles, etc. I will see what I can come up with.
  11. I'm down. I've always wanted to try fantasy baseball. Love me some baseball.
  12. I'll look for you along I-10 here in Houston. Stay safe!
  13. Happy to see someone excited in joining. I'm sure you will enjoy our unit and be a dedicated marine. And Cast's does have the tastiest cookies, so be careful. Good luck on BCT's, I look forward to killing you as a Private soon!
  14. Welcome to the brotherhood! I look forward to killing you as a member of our fine unit! Semper Fi Private! Sgt. Hudson
  15. Merry birthday!
  16. Steven Hudson, Age 27 I live in Katy, Tx just outside Houston. I work as a petroleum engineer for an oil and gas company. I graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor's in Petroleum Engineering. I speak English, and a little Spanish and Russian. I enjoy umpiring baseball, playing video games, playing golf, and watching most any sports.
  17. No i didn't try that magoo Let me try that later tonight. it's just weird because my config has unbind all as the first command, and some binds are working.
  18. Has anyone noticed any issues with their binds messing up since the last update? My medic bind is still working normally (k key), but my salute binds and admin binds are not registering at all (F1-F12 keys). I am not sure what the issue is, i tried rebinding the keys and nothing, i tried re-executing my config, no luck. I can always do a reinstall of DOD:S if need be, but just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas. Thanks. Sgt. Hudson
  19. As a resident of Houston, I am most happy about the fact I will get to see my Texas Rangers come down to play the Astros a lot more now. Although the bulk of Astros fans are crying foul about being forced to move.
  20. I have it too. I'm always down for a game.
  21. Feliz Cumpleanos Major! Which is Spanish for.....FELIZ CUMPLEANOS! Make it a good one.
  22. I have not read much about the game, but it sounds like it could be real interesting. And I would have to say Empire, it just sounds more fun to be bad.
  23. Thanks Dillon. I appreciate the feedback. I was kind of looking at those 2 cards anyways. So you don't think the Ti is worth the extra money? Do you have a preference on nvidia vs AMD? I have almost always used Nvidia, but don't truly have a preference. I need to upgrade my monitor. I realized I only have support for 1680 x 1050. Thanks.
  24. Just bought a thermaltake 430W power supply, but that can be easily remedied if necessary. I know a lot of the newer cards require 500W. I believe my monitor will go up to 1920 x 1080 but i would have to double check that at home.
  25. Hey guys. I wanted to get your opinions on what would be a good video card to get. I know there are those big daddies for almost $1000, but I am looking what would be my best option for around $200 or less. I just upgraded to a new ASUS Z68 motherboard and an I7 2600 processor. I am currently running a Nvidia 9800 GT. Thanks guys.
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