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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Doran

  1. I'm unemployed as of now but i am being sent to bct on september 6th this year so until these like 3 months pass i am just chillin
  2. Doran

    Bf3 or Mw3

    I really want to try saints row 3 and maybe mass effect three but bf3 yeah its pretty but i have a feeling that will be the only thing good about it
  3. Doran

    Bf3 or Mw3

    I don't need another mediocre fps in my library of games, so i choose skyrim.(and i couldn't care less if i spelled something wrong or added incorrect punctuation, since i am not on this forum enough to care)
  4. that shit looks crazy fun
  5. finally i can vote for jones
  6. oh well couldn't care less about apple more interested in no arms obsession with cats and pangs cool sig
  7. Doran

    My hero

    oh hell he's my hero to
  8. i would hire him...just sayin
  9. cant wait nuff said
  10. also bully is 3 dollars along with both the max payne games for three dollars so might wanna take advantage of steam
  11. I would most definitely buy this game but the question is, Seriously people where do you find this shit at?!?
  12. crap im broke T_T is it really as good as everyone says it is
  13. actually i will my friends birthday is on that day lol but no smoking and also that is hitlers birthday which could explain things and my friend is jewish
  14. i have it noaw and i got mafia 2 not to long ago for 7.50
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IJRz7NF6zQ...nel_video_title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My0HQ0QkGLQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_a4WgIctWQ
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5JJy8Z4dNM i win so i can haz internet naow?
  17. Metal isn't always about violence and satan sometimes it is about washin dishes, taking out the garbage, and makin sandwiches and all that good stuff
  18. don't worry you did good seeing as anything from the south is disgusting not healthy and can be fixed no matter how horrid it tastes by just frying
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2FT4FprxDg...nel_video_title might be old but good music doesn't expire
  20. ok seriously wtf did i just watch
  21. lol thats funny and possibly racist lol jk
  22. Benson
  23. to quote a comment in the first commercial "who walks around the mall carrying a 2 liter of fruit juice?"
  24. lol and no one ever wants to come to alabama T_T man i hate this place
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