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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Doran

  1. 37 games totaling $470.64 usd
  2. i voted for abbate cause yeaaaaah everyone knows why
  3. I know what you mean i am also offended my mom works her ass off as a single parent and 5 kids and put us all through school and always puts us before her and she cant afford healthcare but she cant afford it not because she is lazy but because she has to keep all of us fed so if someone who wants free healthcare are all lazy then come to my house and see what "lazy"people do all day
  4. happy birthday another year goes by and..well thats all i got but happy birthday
  5. i know right i lol'd
  6. omg white people can jump its like christmas!
  7. the game is intense just like that video lol
  8. i got suspended for almost a week for making a ghetto beartrap but it didn't even work that good and no one got hurt but then they took whatever that class was called away since most people made shivs and shanks T_T
  9. but on a more serious note i fuckin hate americans some times. A great country but horrible people
  10. i r beleve that the peeple althoh stupiid and ignarant steel have the write two assambly and the freedom of speech and yes kirk i did this on purpose because... BAD SPELLERS OF THE WORLD UNTIE...or unite i think?
  11. HOLY SHIT I FOUND WALDO ITS FUCKIN CLICK >.> no wonder i cant ever find his ass in dods
  12. hey if we get our ice cream from a cows milk then shit breastmilk from a human would seem a step up wouldn't it?
  13. Doran


  14. just fucking excellent
  15. happy birthday
  16. Worsham 10 points for your first pick up line lol
  17. hell to the fuck yeah lol and man that theme is epic as shit but dual wielding sneaking and assassinations oh my it almost makes me faint damn 200 hundered years i didnt know that far ahead i mean i knew it was after oblivion but didnt know it was that far
  18. Doran

    Mine Craft

    hahah same thing happens to me i go oh creeper at the door i try and back up but then it explodes and i go FUUUUUUUUUUU-----------------
  19. i hate when people do this shit
  20. This game i am actually looking forward to since i like the mystery and detective type games since there aren't enough nowadays but i think that the whole chasing down enemies looking for clues and interrogating suspects will be a fun that and the beautiful world with warner brothers theater make for a perfect immersive feel and look for the game. I believe that this could be as big as the grand theft auto series if not better
  21. OH shit cuz i think that dude dead cuz
  22. i think i got to excited i believe i just made a mess
  23. well spoken gooderham but yeah i hate the douche bags from jershey shore lookin like douchebags >.>
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