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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Doran

  1. welcome back Sean Connery lol but jk stiill good to have yah back
  2. not these seasons creepy >.>
  3. cayen your fucked up lol and parker it is good to see you haven't lost your mind like cayen but that vid was funny tho lol
  4. i should have known but hey farr guess what merry
  5. i meant actual christmas songs >.>
  6. oh god
  7. obama and batman ftw lolololol
  8. oh and post any merry christmas songs yah like so yah can spread the cheer n.n
  9. Party hard prime minister lol
  10. and will have more soon but yah know most songs i don't like so yeaaaaah
  11. if no one has takin it then i will take it :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
  12. hopkins this show is fuck retarded but its funny lol
  13. : o gasp i knew it >.>
  14. daaaamn bitch went down lol but fuckin douchebags from jersey shore
  15. it is funny when they get to the path down there and there like uhh where do i go lol
  16. oh this my friend showed me this a looong ass time ago and i laughed my ass off lol
  17. i like it defineatly video game music or atleast just good elevator music but i like and i shall subscribe and pass oh and i give an 8
  18. They can have it only if they promise to take justin bieber and sarah palin then we are even
  19. i saw this post and started laughing my ass off but this is what justin beiber would be if he was mexican and fat lol
  20. right now i am playing the witcher and man i recommend it a thousand times over especially since 2 is coming out sometime soon the storyline is amazing and the game makes you feel like a real badass but the 2 other games i have no clue about so witcher is the only one i can recomend
  21. that seems to be the shit on youtube there are tons of people doing it but they sound awesome especially the one for still alive
  22. well half life was actually kind of the same way with black ops except valve was small and had to take a chance so they put together half life and got lucky
  23. I don't know what your doing McKenzie but your doing it wrong lol
  24. harrington would make for a good map
  25. I had it once but it was stuck on a part and i couldn't get past due to some glitch and couldn't get past it so i quit playing it ;-;
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