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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Doran

  1. Doran

    Mine Craft

    yeah McKenzie i want your ip NAOW
  2. much much much better i could tell right away it was your name
  3. its pretty cool except i have to squint really hard and i still cant tell if thats your name since i pass out from concentrating to much
  4. hey if you ever end up in a drinking dare back the fuck out you will end up in the worst place imaginable..alabama which is how most people get here but if you ever end up in alabama well don't look me up because well i don't know you and i am already too poor as it is. Wait i forgot what the hell the point of this was oh stay away from alabama unless your looking for an abandoned building to sleep in or something then just peak softly because the rats will hear you, but carry a very big stick just in case
  5. remedy are you the gay cowboy wearing the red outfit
  6. i would reply 70 points for hufflepuff but well people still won't know who they are and they would still lose so yeah
  7. that was awesome dude i couldn't do it
  8. pretty damn cool i just wish i was around to celebrate with yah guys T_T
  9. goddamn i can't wait for this game since now 4 walls, a ceiling and a roof is not good enough anymore
  10. this song makes me want to punch babies >.<'
  11. i really like the first one i like that kind of style where its things that normally wouldn't go together that clash and makes the art look really amazing
  12. Doran


    pretty damn good thompson
  13. well the main theme i fucking loved my ass off
  14. true that i did enjoy it fighting on the bridge was epic but i like when you took off in the helicopters and he turns on the music it was epic for like 2.5 seconds the the music goes off and i was like sadface
  15. it is very interesting but one thing watch out for the storyline it left me with a kind of empty ending like they should have done more with it but i think they either wanted you to make up whatever you think happens next or they are gonna make sequels
  16. Doran


    POST WHORES!!!! nuff said
  17. sale is over now but free metro 2033 so i got it played it beat it basically good campaign but short well for me it was but the ending dissapointed me horribly but that could me the are trying to perfect it and finish up the story or pull a too human make it into three parts but never finish the last two
  18. well get hobo stab insurance and you will be fine it is pretty cheap nowadays
  19. atleast you can drink >.>
  20. drinking nothing to young =_= but i am sitting here drinking mountain dew which is the closest i can get while i listen to this
  21. Cap'n Fucking Crunch ftw good mornings waking up to a good bowl of cereal with the cap'n and cartoons
  22. Doran

    Alien Swarm

    i liked that game but i cant ever get it to work so i uninstalled it
  23. yes it is truly unfortunate but hey it is rare to find someone who can think and have a religion at the same time unfortunately this girl isn't one of them
  24. aight but if i like it your ass better play this game with me >.>
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