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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Doran

  1. he can bust a move for a fat guy
  2. no i don't think it looks bad because in the pub it is all fun and games than trying to be the highest kdr or caps or whatnot just keep it fun clean and make sure no one is angry and it shouldn't matter whos has the most of anything
  3. ...he watches me sleep
  4. omg i laughed my ass off with that one
  5. the dude your pic of mo dancing is too damn funny

  6. wait doesn't everyone, I totally thought everyone does cause well i do >.>
  7. don't try to understand it just listen to it cause it is one of those things that don' t make sense but they sound catchy
  8. ahh being young and restless it is fun but normally you don't make it through it n.n
  9. wow lol i love this song but wierd tho
  10. not that i had skillz like that only that i had an afro like that
  11. Doran


    wow i didn't even know thatthis happened
  12. yeah the hekk right imma get yah jones >.>
  13. here i am in all my sexii beastness
  14. so that is the illusive bastard >.> I WILL KILL YOU JONES!!! YAH BETTER BE ON THE RIGHT TEAM XD
  15. happy birthday but don't celebrate too long cause you need to GET TO DAH CHOPPA!!!
  16. why wells why i am scarred now
  17. granted-he finds better hiding spots and you cant find him then before yah know it he has killed you with a shovel and or knife 30 times i wish i had mad haxor skillz on dods
  18. that was well amazing i felt such a rush of nostalgia it felt so good to here those openings it made me remember when me and my dad would watch cartoons together ;-;
  19. ....Its fucking adorable and i want it >.>
  20. the dude who kicked the ball in the goal at the beginning with the afro was totally me
  21. the dude who kicked the ball in the goal at the beginning with the afro was totally me
  22. spelling fails fuuuu-------- now i cant change it >.>
  23. It has happened to the best of us there working link >.>
  24. ahh these guys are stupid funny and its not a rock its a boulder thank you very much
  25. see good parenting consists of a good ass whoopin
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