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Distinguished Civilian
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About Brown

  • Birthday 10/17/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    British Columbia, Canada
  • Interests
    I'm currently going to school to get my Criminology degree and eventually get into policing. I enjoy archery, gaming, mixed martial arts, almost all types of music and yea.... :D

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Forum Fanatic

Forum Fanatic (50/91)



  1. *Sniffles* It's been so long...... You say still around and yet I no see you on forum in 4 years... you know like 3 days after your resignation T.T Hit me up if you ever see this

  2. Did those guys repel out of a moving helo? Fucking badass! Canada woop woop!!!
  3. - Says the guy who hijacked the Sloth Thread!!! You would bring that up Arsenault...
  4. Is a beautiful ending Stone .
  5. Brown

    Quote Thread

    This fuckin guy. You have no idea what this means... When the Browns finally won the last name colour war, it was a triumph! It was yelled from the roof tops, I am proud to see my last name everywhere!!! I'll stop now ...
  6. also, another awesome MOD, http://www.thezombieinfection.com/index.ph...ca-27-released/
  7. Whatever, I didn't want to be involved anyway .
  8. Gratz guys , and thank you as always Cast :DDDD!
  9. No more drawings??? :*(
  10. Moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  11. I'am sorry, I cannot hear you over the cries of your wounded and dying lol.
  12. She knows I like it rough too?!?! AWESOME! You will not enjoy what is to come ;D. Also you might want to watch out for her brothers
  13. I'd hit that ... Chaos style And she would hit you back.... with the holy fire of the God Emperor!!!!!!! Also....
  14. Just kidding of course I know it is heresy!
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