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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Did those guys repel out of a moving helo? Fucking badass! Canada woop woop!!!
  2. - Says the guy who hijacked the Sloth Thread!!! You would bring that up Arsenault...
  3. Is a beautiful ending Stone .
  4. Brown

    Quote Thread

    This fuckin guy. You have no idea what this means... When the Browns finally won the last name colour war, it was a triumph! It was yelled from the roof tops, I am proud to see my last name everywhere!!! I'll stop now ...
  5. also, another awesome MOD, http://www.thezombieinfection.com/index.ph...ca-27-released/
  6. Whatever, I didn't want to be involved anyway .
  7. Gratz guys , and thank you as always Cast :DDDD!
  8. No more drawings??? :*(
  9. Moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  10. I'am sorry, I cannot hear you over the cries of your wounded and dying lol.
  11. She knows I like it rough too?!?! AWESOME! You will not enjoy what is to come ;D. Also you might want to watch out for her brothers
  12. I'd hit that ... Chaos style And she would hit you back.... with the holy fire of the God Emperor!!!!!!! Also....
  13. Just kidding of course I know it is heresy!
  14. Dude your fucking tall lol Lol I'm only 5'9 Is it an illusion? or is everyone else short? We may never know lol.
  15. Gardiner, you are literally my favorite person right now lol
  16. lol woops. Wasn't supposed to tell you about that part .
  17. How the hell is there a pink ball two feet from the tee? Did someone hit it that lightly or so hard it bounced back off those rocks? Bounced back lol. They were trying to ricochet it off the rockets in the back lol.
  18. Brown


    Uhhhhh Space real time strategy I think would be the best description. Is a really great game, would recommend, but is fairly old, meaning not many people play online anymore. But amazing campaign and game play. If you've never played I would aggressively urge you to pick it up ;D. Sadly I do not think it is on steam, and I don't think many game stores still stock it. Best chance of picking it up would be on amazon or something. Game play video for you as well.
  19. Take your time man . We can wait for glorious pictures like these!
  20. Not sure if serious.....
  21. This...... this is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . So perfect
  22. Very kind of you sirr!
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