Full Name: Travis Macklam Brown
Age: 21 (in 2 weeks or so!)
Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Occupation: Student(criminology)/Contractor
Favorite activity or hobby: Fucking gaming obviously?! Or D&D
Special talent: I'm totally 5th prestige on COD . Nah I'm not, but I'am a damn fine pistol shot on the range. Won some competitions.
Favorite alcoholic beverage: Still youngish, so I'll drink anything, but if I had to choose, jager bombs
3 Favorite movies:
1. Troll Hunter
2. Black Hawk Down
3. 28 Weeks Later
3 Favorite bands or musicians:
1. Skrillex
2. mstrkrft
3. Really like Evanescence right now .
3 Favorite songs:
1. Kill Everybody
2. Break Away
3. Dubstep Guns
3 Favorite foods:
1. Stir frys
2. Chicken strips
3. Pizza