Name: [bC] Crackers
Steam I.D: "[bC] Crackers" STEAM_0:0:17323146
Reasons for the Ban: Setting up MG and killing teammates in spawn
Recommended duration of ban: Perm.
Demo Provided?: N
Name: bigge
Steam I.D: # 594 "bigge" STEAM_0:0:11499819
Reasons for the Ban: Mass team killing, then fleeing server.
Recommended duration of ban: 1 week.
Demo Provided?: N
Not sure if I got him before he left or not, cause map was changing.
Name: Do you like GUNDAM??
Steam I.D: # 687 "Do you like GUNDAM??" STEAM_0:1:43193915
Reasons for the Ban: Wall hacking
Demo Provided?: Y
Comments: People were asking about him suspecting him of walling (sent in PM format) So I speced him and figured there was some merit to everyone suspicions. I report this for officers choice on the matter because while i"m fairly certain of the walling, you (the command staff) may see other wise. If you have trouble with getting the demo it's because its the first time ive done this so just let me know if it's not working.
Fairly small collection since I just stared lol.
Mosin Nagant Model 1891 with Bent Bolt 7.62x54mm
Savage Model 111 Package Rifle
Glock 17 9mm with K.P.O.S. Glock Conversion (would really recommend the conversion, absolutely fantastic!)
As you can probably see, my Glock is the favorite of the group lol.