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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Brown

  1. Mrs. Bible is a hotty by the way
  2. I honestly cant believe how petty the majority of the people were downtown in Vancouver. Fuck, people were badly injured and everyones posting on facebook about how cool the riot was. Way to show the rest of the world what a bunch of fucking idiots they all are.... god damnit, makes us all look bad..
  3. Classy sirr, very classy!
  4. Everyone hates on Luongo cause hes had some bad games. Everyone has to remember, hes a god damn gold medalist goalie!!! The amount of shoots on goal he has to deal with, hes bound to let some in, we need to pull our defence together more than bitch at luongo
  5. I think its obvious...... NYC's computer is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO epic, everyone else's computers got sad and gave up .
  6. Pics or it didnt happen!!!!
  7. Ha ha ha, you know it ;D.
  8. As someone going through the process, I may be able to give you some insight. Yes it will be dangerous, you are dealing with some pretty scummy characters. Will you be being shot at every day? No, but there will be instances were you could get hurt badly. The using your own gun thing. It realllllly depends on which police force you're joining. Some flat out say no, some make you do a lot of extra work to let you do this, and some say its fine. I would look into which department you thinking about joining up with, it should be stated somewhere on their website. The academy thing, yea its going to be hard, your being trained how to catch, combat, and subdue criminals. So yea it will be pretty demanding, but remember they are not setting you up to fail, they're spending god knows how much money on your training. They will do everything in their power to help you succeed once your that far. Tutors for the academic, fitness trainers for the physical and whatever else you need to succeed. But it will be tough, if you need to ask "When should I begin training for this?" you should start training now! Hope this was helpful somewhat.
  9. I believe I heard from Coogan that Kirk did a ban on this guy, not sure how long it was tho.
  10. Game 7 win for nucks.
  11. I think its a funny video contest? anyways, the winner gets some video editing software
  12. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_...234149&ap=1 If you have facebook add the group !
  13. Brown


    Ha ha ha, you saw it!!!!! Don't give me that Magoo loool
  14. Brown


    With rifle and BAR ;D Had one with 67 kills, but wouldn't let me upload it lol :*(
  15. 10 second goal into over time on the bruins.... just sayin . Go Nucks Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  16. looool, much blood was spilled this day.......
  17. Haven't heard this song in ages, so glad you posted it !!!!!!!!
  18. I got a few complaints about your mic spamming, and figured you were just trying to troll. I wouldn't mind giving him a 2nd chance seeing as how that wasn't the case.
  19. Brown

    Dear 1st MRB

    On behalf of Rec. R. Jackson [1st MRB] Dear 1st MRB, you guys are awesome sry for the no show yesterday some personal issues have come up that are going to prevent me from participation with the unit. Still wish to play and be friends with you all and possibly re-enlist when everything in my life dies down some.
  20. Vancouver defs . I'm sure Parker has his reasons for going against the last Canadian team in it loooooool.
  21. As alway la-la-la-love it . You all do such a great job .
  22. looooooooool, loooooooove that DI .
  23. Thats soooooooo great! "Good ole fashion cola ;D"
  24. ha ha ha ha thats fantastic!!
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